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Chewy's Hairy Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Chewy's Hairy Horn

  1. On 4/2/2018 at 6:28 AM, Assman said:

    As a kid, I moved to Dallas from SA in '91, so my Arlington Stadium memories are limited, but wasn't there a tunnel south of DFW around AA Headquarters?  I remember we had to drive through a tunnel at some point to get to Arlington.

    Was this the tunnel?0412_FC20-1865-464_E-_AAD5-9_A03_E023_B7

  2. 5 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:

    If you're male & over the age of 6 & still wear this, you probably also eat NY "BBQ" with mayo & beaned up chili.


    I remember when these were a thing in the 80s for a a bit.  

    Except they weren't shorts and the only person with a mustache like that was Freddy Mercury. 

    And we knew what leg day was. 

  3. On 3/30/2018 at 4:09 PM, AUS-97HORN said:

    I would buy a massive chunk of beachside property in Belize. build a house on it, but also build a small bar close to water,  make sure its got every type of satellite dish to lure in the tourists from Europe and the US in,  and hire 5 hot  18-25 year lady bartenders to handle the bar while I just sit back and become the master of my domain.

    I wouldnt call it work, I would call it relaxation and mental stimulation

    This is the correct answer. 

  4. Finished church and we have the 3yo in tow for the trip out to the grandparents.  

    Kiddo is hyped up for her 4th Easter egg hunt and the resulting sugar high.  

    I’m just looking forward to decimating some deviled eggs.  

    Happy Easter!

  5. 10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me what inspired Paul Ryan to go to Prague to get this fuckface hacker extradited.

    Any theories?

    He's got his tax cuts and made the decision to retire.  Maybe it's led him to finally found his conscience? 

  6. Just caught it and enjoyed the fact they picked up the series as season 10.   

    The laugh track was pretty jaring at first.  Thank god those aren’t a thing anymore. 

    The politics didn’t bother me   Felt like a parody of discussion that probably happen in families.  Seemed on point.

    Sarah Chalko: smoke. 

    When do we get Married with Children?

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