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Boss Hogg

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Posts posted by Boss Hogg

  1. On 12/31/2023 at 12:45 AM, tx 3 putt said:

    Ditching rent control and raising the rates on public transportation = hitting the poor snd working class 

    How do the poor and working class like >100% official inflation?

    Should price controls remain in place? They’re well established to be poor policy choices. 

    Reversing the policies that led to Argentina’s disastrous condition was always going to lead to short term pain. 

    On 1/6/2024 at 7:44 PM, tx 3 putt said:

    Let’s continue to hit the poor and working class …


    You seem awfully invested in what is maybe the most consistently shitty government and their policies remaining in power. All while sharing tweets from an aggrieved Argentine expat living in Miami.  

    It will be an interesting experiment to witness, but no more than their almost a century of consistent decline. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 3 hours ago, bolverk said:

    That's fucked up. The NSC wasn't notified, Congressional leadership wasn't notified, and senior Pentagon officials weren't notified. I assume Biden was, but this isn't really the time to muck up communication among leadership.

    Several people need to be fired, including Austin. 

    • Rage+1 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Samson's Wig said:

    So you're the asshole who shows up to work and social gatherings when sick. 

    Like even the sniffles?

    I was meaning more like work commitments, but whatever.

    8 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    RSV? Common cold? Flu? Cedar fever? Covid? Same. Same.

    (Remember you're addressing one of GRUhorn's accounts, a longtime Surly anti-vaxer.)

    That’s incorrect.


    8 minutes ago, Samson's Wig said:

    Thanks, I missed that somehow.  His comment makes perfect sense, then.  


  4. 9 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Guesses only. 

    110 is Gates? Seems missing so far based the things I have seen fly by. Who is 107?

    The real stuff we’ll never see. 

    This stuff disappeared. 

    • Rage+1 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Why is that a problem? 

    There’s a limit to how many people you can assimilate into a country/culture at any one time without significant societal disruption. That’s without considering the financial issues of taking in tens of millions more of takers from the welfare system. 

    • Fuck You 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Dbeasy said:

    Maybe you should review the posts a little more closely. That is exactly what I’ve proposed. It’s the other posters who’ve said let everyone in that shows up, with no rejection of those who try to enter illegally. If you simply let millions in illegally, what do you think happens next? When the next wave of 5-50 million people sitting in central and South America see what happened, what do you think they are going to do? 

    They’re going to come too, and it will be great!


    3 hours ago, Foosters said:

    The fun part is when this is all part of the federal bailout of California. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Foosters said:

    Unchecked flow of immigrants? Into New York City? Impossible. Such a thing could never happen.

    This isn’t pre-income tax, pre-welfare state like during Ellis Island’s heyday. 

    5 hours ago, hayden_horn said:



    hell, i am too.

    i have a crazy fucking idea. stick with me here because it's real fucking complicated. 

    what if we just let them in?

    Because there’s laws involved with entering any country. Also, the levels of illegal immigration currently happening are straining finances and social services of multiple parts of the country. But besides that, great idea. 

    5 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Right there with you. Vet the shit heads and let Mama and the kiddos come in. Wow, labor, tax base, etc.

    So what I wrote is aimed at that. Do it there so they do not need to walk to our border.

    I’m curious how all the shitheads will be vetted. Also, what’s the percentage breakdown of male vs female etc? In Europe it’s overwhelmingly young males. Is that the best makeup for a society taking all these people in?

    As far as the tax base goes, low educated/skilled illegal immigrants are a net negative fiscally. 




    • Fuck You 2
  8. On 11/29/2023 at 6:17 AM, Trey3216 said:

    I think this is a power play by Cuban and the Adelsons to use the Mavs as a threat to the Texas legislature to get a real casinos in TX vote oh the books sooner rather than later.  Threatening to move the Mavs to Vegas (they won’t).  Then when Vegas gets an expansion team, the Adelsons will be the owners of that franchise and will sell their rights to the Mavs back to Cuban (with Dirk as minority investor). 

    He thinks franchise values are topping out. 


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, tx 3 putt said:

    I thought this was a joke ….


    Laughing at this is a bit of a sign of our American privilege. When inflation is as high as they have you might want to have your pay set in a certain amount of goods. Their “actual money” is running at an inflation rate of 160% so stanning for the Argentine peso is weird.  And that’s the “official” rate. 

    Here from an article I saw a while back. 

    "Last week I bought two kilos of potatoes for 800 pesos and this week it cost almost 1,200 pesos. I don't know if next week we'll be able to afford to buy the same groceries."

    We have no frame of reference for this state of day to day life. 


    This is why you try to avoid such a terrible economic situation/inflation. People will accept anything as an alternative. Hello, Weimar


    edit- lol the author of that tweet is an Argentine immigrant that moved to Miami. He’s talking shit from a distance after he bolted. 

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    One rule during the 1980's was for every Central or South American who made it one Mexican did not cross over. So they were a lot more involved in protecting their border and the routes.

    Cartels now make a lot of money bringing those people through. That will be tough to stop, but doing nothing and screaming “racism” at people becomes less viable as time passes. 

  11. 29 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    its always an issue, thatll never go away

    its a ‘crisis’ because the election is around the corner 

    I grew up by the border. Maybe it was happening, but there wasn’t news coverage of thousands of Haitians or Venezuelans under the Del Rio bridge when I was little? Extremely doubtful. This is different. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    So, a little off topic but I saw some weird video of a guy who I think is a communist talk about his belief that both parties have completely sold out to big business.

    Republicans align themselves publicly with big business because it fits their general platform. He argues that because Democrats can’t publicly align with big business very often, they have no choice but to constantly “fail” on many policies that would hurt their big business benefactors. 

    The whole theory is probably bs, but it does make you think, considering where their reelection campaign funds come from. 

    What’s funny about that is then they blame capitalism when the government and politicians picking winners and losers isn’t capitalism. 

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