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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Terrible analogy. His firing isn’t complicated.
  2. That Heynan will not prevail for a multitude of reasons. Not really. That’d be society. Of which Surly is a part.
  3. You can call me far right if you’d like. I’m very anti Trump. The current environment, which includes this Board, is pushing me further and further right at a good pace. Happy to wager you too.
  4. Nah. Tell you what fucko - let’s place a wager on it. Put your money where your looney lips are.
  5. I am anti-protestor, pro-Israel, and believe precisely what I said. State employees by and large are morons. This is not exclusive to college professors.
  6. Not sure but wouldn’t think held to higher standard. Most state employees are morons, like this professor. Lean? And no, tenure shouldn’t muddy.
  7. Thank you Scoops. Y’all get back to me when this guy receives a dime from UT. He’s not shielded any more than I am just by virtue of being a state employee. His doesn’t have fucking immunity from 1A consequences. The 1A doesn’t trump his employee code of conduct / handbook to which he fucking agreed.
  8. Not at all. This professor can do whatever the fuck he wants and so can I. Your actions are always at the mercy of the whims of your employer. And it does not matter where the funds come from to pay professors; UT functions as a private employer. I can’t believe this is being discussed.* *@Hank_Hill
  9. It’s not at all nuanced. This is the dumbest fucking argument ever. Y’all are some partisan morherfuckers.
  10. But the university absolutely can. The fuck?
  11. I watched that whole video. What was his point other than directing anyone he influenced to vote for Trump? It was meandering nonsense. It would’ve been a sickening video if it weren’t so pathetic.
  12. So the argument has shifted from Prong sowing disinformation or his tweet sowing disinformation to some video clips in the past decade have sowed disinformation. Got it.
  13. Before I make some comment like “thank God we aren’t Europe and we have people like Jay Hartzell and the UNC Pikes”, I need to ensure that Bolverk approves of your tweet. If the wrong person originated it, it renders the entire message moot.
  14. Deductive reasoning. It’s either Mindy Cohn or trans. There’s no other choice.
  15. Sidestep the content. You’ve been doing it all day.
  16. Huh. I never made a comment about settlers or Bibi. I certainly didn’t give them a pass. Never made a comment about all Israelis being great, innocent people. I said the X-factor is leadership savagery on the other side, from Hamas to Arafat and even long before him. Because it is. No amount of explaining what the other side did or does offsets this. It’s amazing anyone can dispute this.
  17. Hey a Frank Stallone reference. Shocker. People try and over complicate Israel. It’s not as complicated as it needs to be. The X factor is Palestinians always revert to having savages as leaders. There’ll never by any peace with that factor in place.
  18. The hate will exist from the Palestinians regardless. Israel absolutely must remain aggressive with rooting out Hamas. They must kill them all, or there is no chance at peace. I have a hard time believing this is disputed. I’d be a 2-state supporter if and only if they start acting like a nation with competent administration, policing their own extremists instead of placing them at the tip of the spear, etc. This is why it’ll take years and possibly a generation. Israel won’t permit the fucking UN to govern Jerusalem. They’re in control, and they’re not going backwards nor should they.
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