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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by kevwun

  1. New York used to have a similar issue where their state legislature would have to pass something twice in order for it to go in to law.  The theory was that if the people didn't like it, they could vote in a new state assembly that could overturn it in the next session, but in reality it made getting anything done extremely difficult.

  2. Hosmer is getting shit for it, but that should have been an easy catch for the pitcher.  I know the catcher was supposed to stay at home because of the runner or else it would have been his, but Hosmer had the most ground to cover to get to it out of the 3.  The main reason he missed it was because he had to come in so fast that he overran it.  On a popup like that, it's easier to catch when you are already under it and not charging in.

  3. I'm about at the point where I say give them their wish.  But cutoff all trade and communications and power from out of state sources.  Let them go it on their own with nothing and wait until they come crawling back begging to be allowed back in to the Union.

  4. That reminds that I have a book about Marcus Agrippa that I need to get to.  For such an important person in Roman history, there are almost no books about him.

  5. That's why I don't understand why he hasn't retreated on this one yet.  One visit from Wayne Lapierre and he walked all the gun stuff he said after Parkland back.  He will create lots of powerful enemies with the trade nonsense, but he doesn't seem to care.  You start costing rich donors money and they will make phone calls about how to vote on impeachment.

  6. Leftover bbq is never a bad thing.  It's also never a bad thing to have the capacity to cook more than you think you'll ever need.  It opens up more opportunities to use your pit when you can feed a lot of people.  That's a big plus if you're like me and look for excuses to make bbq.

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