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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. Well you can see the future. Im a believer. Who's our next coach?
  2. Lol. CDC: "Urban Meyer? Nah he's not my guy. Hey BMDs give me some money so I can money whip the coach of Indiana"
  3. What an ugly pathetic bitch of a coach
  4. My sources tell me we are going offer the coach of Coastal Carolina 15 mil a year to not turn us down.
  5. I’m taking my fandom to the transfer portal. I’m sure Clemson could use another bandwagon fan.
  6. Fuck CDC.Fuck Tom Herman.Fuck Urban Meyer.
  7. Well there you go gentlemen. Someone go ahead and start up the Fire Urban Meyer thread.
  8. Hanging out in bartonville/double oak with his horses
  9. Yea, exactly. I should have known there were so many On here that are BFF with Bob Rowling and the like.
  10. Is today the day? Or is Herman going to be allowed to coach another National Championship worthy Sunday practice?
  11. Did u finally receive the CD in the mail with 1000 free hours?
  12. Lol. It needed it. Only about 3 hours and drank over 2 hours. Needs another 5 years at least! Beautiful structure. Love the Right Bank
  13. Yea, I'm pretty sure rhats new.
  14. Killing a baby tonight. She's a beauty though
  15. Don’t don’t be such a downer brother
  16. Good! That means she warmed up and ready for me!
  17. I’m back. Is Tom Herman still our coach?
  18. Don Juans Romantic Mexican Restaurant? We always go to El Manantial in Seven Points. Seven Points is deserving to be put on the shittiest town list.
  19. You're going to need mayo for your fist pretty soon. A big jar of it.
  20. Had a hat made in Greeley, a nice hat at that.
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