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Everything posted by Honeysucklerose

  1. Montero [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]good night
  2. We suck tonight. Go get them in Minnesota
  3. Nice win Stros. Sorry I am not in the mood to celebrate much.
  4. Just watched the whole thing. My take: Suck it, America.
  5. Real Astros baseball. We are about to turn it on
  6. You idiots do know you have to get 3 outs in the 9th, right??!? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  7. Bahahahahahah!!!! 2 outs! 2 outs. Where have we seen that before
  8. I can’t bring myself to cheer for anything Dallas. Come on Kareners!!!!
  9. If Bregman would focus on hitting as much as he focuses on arguing with umps, he would be unstoppable
  10. Here comes three straight swing and misses
  11. Oh boy. Nailed Diaz. Some of you are gonna be pissed when you wake up
  12. Montero shouldn’t be on the playoff roster. If we even make it.
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