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Everything posted by Honeysucklerose

  1. We are just “almost” in everything right now
  2. Here is where the wheels come off tonight
  3. https://fb.watch/neeCk3Ks3k/?mibextid=HSR2mg They honor the equestrian team in the first 1:30
  4. Lost 15 of the last 21 at home Bro. It’s urgent now
  5. I would be booing my head off if I were there. I’m talking Mack Brown 2011 booing.
  6. They are sucking the absolute life out of baseball for me. It’s miserable watching these games. Way worse than the 100+ loss seasons because we knew what we had
  7. This is unreal. Season in jeopardy and we are jacking around
  8. I suppose, thinking about it, if Texas wins and we win tomorrow the magic number would be 4 because we own the tiebreaker with them so we technically only need to tie them after 162.
  9. The most the division magic number can decrease tomorrow is by 1 because they are playing each other. Win and the division magic number is 5. Lose and we are in second place.
  10. Now it’s time for lame-o Please give us a walk here
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