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the idoit

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Posts posted by the idoit

  1. And I know cheesecake is going out of style but I couldn’t resist this little detail:

    The whole thing is sweetness but that neck plate takes it to 11. Well done, man. You’re gonna enjoy the shit outta that beauty.
  2. Love stories like these.

    Dig that Prescott Curlywolf song, CM. Kinda has a Swan Swan H vibe to it. It also reminds me that I really need to buy a mandolin and teach myself to play. I’ve loved the sound since Every Picture Tells A Story came out when I was a little kid.

  3. Way too old for Wonderwall. My go-tos were Zeppelin and Floyd.

    I did an acoustic arrangement with sort of a Neil Young syncopated rhythm pattern that I call Wonder in the Sand. I can’t sing to it because the pattern opposes the melody in places and I’m not that coordinated. :/ I’ll record it and post it when I have a minute.
  4. Grandioso, that was a fantastic post on G&L. That original line and the subsequent American made models far outclass almost everything Fender ever produced. NBAA, No Blasphemy At All. Leo always ran the show and remained at the top of his game throughout.

    As for Rio Grande P/Ups, they’re the tits. I’m jealous of your “new” Tele. Great choice.

  5. Wow. Thanks for the replys. I should’ve prefaced it by saying that although I love the guy I don’t want to break the bank. Was thinking in the $150-175 range. He’s a respectable player. Covered Sweet Child... at the school drum kit recital including most of the lead while playing kick, snare and high hat with his feet. Pretty cool but I was hoping for another stellar drum cover. Hah. 

  6. I’m just an unfrozen caveman idoit. Your pedals confuse and frighten me. But I can’t believe my avoidance of this thread made me miss a Shaggy Screamer. Sad banana.


    Any recs for a pedal for my son’s percussion director? I hadn’t even realized he plays as well as he does and I want to repay him for not just putting up with my kid, but also for being an amazing and selfless instructor and being such a class guy for four years. Anyway, was thinking maybe a Q-Tone. Something funky and out of the ordinary. Thoughts?

  7. Huh. Is the guy a lefty or does he like playing open?  The setup is all confusing to me with the toms and the hats being on the right but pedals to the left.  Very interesting layout.

    Yeah, lefty and plays open. He said he got that from years on quads. I meant to mention it, but, well, user name checks out.
  8. 6ddea2da733a8f2c1b1293094bc13e65.jpg

    Not mine. Or my son’s (in his dreams). They belong to an online gaming buddy. Bought them from Shannon Forrest. Dude is a beast. Marched with Phantom and was a two-time PASIC 2nd Place on tenors. I’ll ask him if I can share a vid.

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  9. Well, Boom, I’m completely guitarded, so don’t feel bad. By the way, I totally love the fact you’re always representing. I’d give you double the internets if I could.

  10. I would stab all of you in the face for five minutes with Susanna Hoffs.
    I know it isn't germane to the thread.  Just putting you all on notice.

    I like you, Chad, but if I’m on a mission after Susanna imma be totin’ a gat. Fair warning.
  11. NGD!!! Needs a little truss adjustment and some setup, but she plays nice. The neck is great.

    “Nothing special” he says earlier. Yeah, no. That’s badass. Just gorgeous. Congrats.
  12. Thanks for the info on the bass, Celery. I was hoping beyond hope that was an actual ‘51 when I saw there wasn’t a body contour. Still, very sweet instrument. I know that sound. Punchy on top and booming on the bottom. Like my ex-wife...

  13. Yeah, Bogey, we needed the color on this page. 

    A luthier worth his salt can easily reset the neck on that bass. Well worth it considering it’s sentimental value to you. I’d do it for sure. 

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