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Fat Bastard

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Posts posted by Fat Bastard

  1. Mom needs one. Preferably a bulldog.  Anyone have any recs? Regarding a failed investment in a restaurant 5 years ago.  My parents were silent investors. They got a return as they counted the losses. Now discovered that principal investors also counted all the silent partner losses as their own and IRS wants my mom’s refund back

  2. Used to love Aston in my early 20’s. Then I realized their fucking tech is awful. I know, I know, it’s all about the driving experience, but I give a fuck about the interior dash and infotainment too, but their’s is 90’s era Toyota.  Same reason I hate Maserati. That, and the fit/finish is pure dogshit 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    I’ll bet if you check your policy, you will find that there is no deductible in this situation.

    The other guy’s insurance is going to pay for all of the expenses, so your deductible will not apply.

    Your insurance will handle all your expenses and send a bill to the other guy’s insurance company.

    ...and still find a way of raising your premiums 

  4. Not really. Back seat is occupied by 2 car seats. I just prefer the sloping roof line and the completely original rear end. I’m an Audi enthusiast and can barely tell the difference between an a4 and an a6. I think they’re completely boring and look like rebadged jettas

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  5. Because it’s the E body. Same reason why the M5 does nothing for me. I’m in an A7 now and the sleek sport back look of it won me over, over the A6. I’m just not a huge fan of the mid size sport sedan look, knowing full well the size of my car is really no different than an A6. The performance of the e63s is unmistakeable. I’m just purely talking exterior aesthetics. 

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  6. Went and test drove the new AMG GT 63 4door. Fucking beautiful. Great rips and cracks from the exhaust on sport+ with the pipes open. Looks much better in person than on YouTube. Also, much better rear headroom than new CLS. Expensive AF though. Holy shit

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  7. 8 hours ago, Parliament said:

    "I wish I had played more video games as a kid," said no one. Ever.


    Don't do it. Get them a basketball hoop.



    Say what you will about playing games and improving hand eye coordination, but my job specifically is using tools in my hand and watching how they’re manipulated on a screen. It certainly helped me pick it up more quickly than my peers. 

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