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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. Feels like we say the exact same thing about 5* HS WR every year for like the last 15 years now. "No big deal, there's always the portal/next year". Would be kinda nice to actually land them sometimes.

    And honestly , several of our more dynamic WR playmakers over the past 12 years literally fell into our lap due to other schools fucking up. Worthy and Duvernay are two that come to mind immediately.
    • Hook 'Em 4
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  2. We started watching Your Honor recently and the guy that played Clay Davis is playing a very similar character on that series, just much older. Took two seconds to place that voice.

  3. Oh, damn man. How are you doing now?
    Good, I hope?

    All good. The miracle of modern medicine. On day four of my recovery, I could very slowly walk to the front of the neighborhood and. Back without using any crutches.
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