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Posts posted by Shaddie

  1. I remember back in the day when we were told immigrants were given free money or loans. They all get this and you mericans are screwed. 
    I actually used to believe this. However an easy search said free money for legal immigrants is available. $900. That is causing red blooded mericans to not get their share. 
    Fattie is too lazy to research this and believes Fox News with 0% research. 
    Go down rabbit hole and illegal immigrants usually pay 8-10% tax with 0 return. 

    I am far from rich and no kids and used to wonder “why do I have to pay school taxes”. 

    Grew up a little and realized more educated people is better for all of us. Some are too stupid to realize this. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    You wouldn't happen to be in the business of reactive extrusion of specialty polymers would you? Because I wouldn't mind relocating to Queretaro. 

    Since I don’t even know what that is, pretty sure I’m not in that biz. I’m in AOI and SPI.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Hate said:

    Like I’ve called it here before, we should have the “Manufacturing Monroe Doctrine”.

    Believe me it is coming to Mexico. My company is selling large number of systems for manufacturing to Mexico. Also the only thing restricting them is hiring  new engineers and techs for said companies. 

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  4. 14 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

    I forget, what was the narrative they used to explain away the fact that FSU was underperforming and that they weren’t trying very hard to keep the coach that A&M felt the need to money whip?  Injuries?


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  5. 1 minute ago, Superhero said:

    When will the protestors start carrying weapons of their own? I've watched so many of these videos where guys and girls are fighting empty handed. At least bring a butcher knife or a piece of sharpened rebar to the fight. And a rope to hang them up.


    Tactics aside, I'm really curious/concerned that there is no one stepping up to lead protests. Once the regime is toppled, the person with the guns will take over, and it could be worse.

    As long as new “leaders” aren’t religious nuts then usually will be better. 

    Just an FYI to our Christian Right wing nationalist here who want a religious war here. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Texzilla58 said:

    Damn I miss my Jack Russell. We lost him in 16 at 17. He never slowed down until his last day. He woke up, wasn’t right, took to vet, and she just said it’s his time. Best dog we ever had. We got him at 6 when our son got deployed and he never left my wife’s side. So fucking smart and entertaining. As long as you stay engaged with your two and give them jobs they will be the best dogs you ever had.

    Here’s Buddy. Ready for food, ball chasing, hide and seek, a walk, food, action.

    It’s funny, 1 is still shy around guys but we are slowly getting used to each other. Younger 1 is a stupid, dumbass, snuggle bunny. I swear she has never met a stranger. Her thing is finding an acorn in the backyard and rolls it for hours like a rat. They also play with each other for hours at a time. Sometimes at 5am during my 1st coffee. Ughhhhh. Could not be happier.

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  7. On 11/1/2022 at 1:38 PM, mchookem said:

    gotdamn the last two pages got me in the feels 💔

    🤘 to all the good boys/girls lost. so hard and so worth it, every time. 


    dammit, i really need a new dog! 😒

    Do it. We are long time Scottie owners and after last passed we decided rescue only. I (wife wasn’t so sure) decided 2 from same place of any breed. 2 Jack Russell’s later could not be happier. My only wish is they outlast me so I never have go thru that again. 



  8. 45 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

    ^Telegram is saying she might be facing 10 years


    I’m a peace loving person. 
    You sink my boat and things go sideways.

    1st I pull every finger nail and toe nail you have. Then I water board you. Then I put 110v to your genitalia for an hour. I then empty a clip into your legs. 
    I then decide to get mean after that.  

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