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Posts posted by Godzillatron

  1. is this years balmorhea out already?  i got it last year at total.   let me know if you've heard of any in the austin area please.

    I’ve still got last year’s bottle with one pour gone if you are interested. Overpriced and just ok.
  2. First time having Clam Chowder was in SF at AT&T Park in a sourdough bowl, been hooked ever since.  Saratoga just had their chowder fest recently, good shit to be had.  The Parker House in Boston makes some fine NE CC, may be the best I've had. 

    My Granny made homemade clam chowder. Every other chowder is crap.
  3. Guy was talking about how they wanted to throw a New Orleans themed party now that restrictions are going to be eased. Talked about some of the mixed cocktails and food he would serve. They’d also have a brass band. Wife was planning on having a decorator and florist to set the ambiance to which he added “yeah, and I also what to have a little colored boy dressed in turn-of-the-century street attire dance next to an empty hat for the party towers to flip nickels in”

    Did this guy perhaps write a strongly worded note to CDC about the Eyes?
    • Rage+1 1
  4. I got the email that I have a Blanton’s waiting for me. I’ll take it, but I wish it was something I’d never had before though. 

    Thought the same thing about the Weller 12 I got. Not complaining, or maybe I am.
  5. She does.  I wrote the P&C insurance for them for years.  Great people.  
    And not sure what you are talking about Lobo.  Vince was there plenty, but not in a working capacity.  

    Vince sold name and likeness a long time ago. That said, was a go-to place when I worked downtown. Never had a bad steak here, and Pappy at the bar. Miss that expense account...
  6. I don't think water main pressure hitting obstructions like an ice plug is going to bust anything.
    The problem is when water is trapped between something solid, like that end cap, and an expanding/forming plug of ice. That 10% reduction in volume from the freezing ice (already frozen doesn't count) and the resulting increase in hydrostatic pressure is what gets you.
    I am gonna guess you are safe to just leave stuff open until pressure returns.

    My WCID advising leaving street gate open and having fixtures open in house for pressure relief as they bring system back online in areas that lost service. Suspect this protects their equipment more than your house.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. So did ERCOT get caught with its pants down? I mean, they knew the cold air was coming, and they have models that predict the load on the grid based on temperature, so what gives? Wind generators froze? What else?

    Wind generation very small impact. Mostly natural gas plants that weren’t ready for cold weather and froze up combined with just in time delivery of feed supply that couldn’t be supplied because well heads and pipelines froze.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. I don't know whether it will really grow or not. That's going to depend on a bunch of things. 
    However, I suspect that you can get away with 1 or 2 frozen faucets before it over stresses things. 

    This is my theory and I’m sticking to it. All my interior fixtures working and dripping. 2 hose bibs wrapped, protected and hopefully unfrozen. I’m not touching them until we get past this. if they are frozen I figure I’ve got a better chance unfreezing them once.
  9. Same here. Also open up cabinets that have water lines to hopefully keep them warmer for the outdoor faucets.
    Even with these precautions I worry about temps in the teens freezing outdoor hose bibs and lines.

    I’ve never dripped an outside faucet, including growing up north of the Red River where we regularly got freezes like this. Always just put a hose bib cover on and didn’t worry about it. Today I see multiple sources saying to drip the hose bib. I’m confused. What says Surly?
  10. Baratza encore and aero press for a single cup, steel french press for multiple cups, and I just got a technivorm moccamaster for multiple cups. Can’t wait to try out the technivorm, it’s in the mail. 
    also you guys who are buying bulk roasted shit like Peet’s or whatever need to step your game up and find some local roasters. I prefer medium roast Costa Rican and Colombian, also found some really good Ethiopian medium roasts. Very fruity without much acid and it doesn’t have that burnt black taste. 

    If you want to support local go to Trianon in Westlake and let them hook you up with beans that match your taste. Or just buy Ruta Maya.
  11. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4Px5dGBP2iJexyiavFVjwiE6TXHrabFV1uw&usqp=CAU
    I prefer my caffeine cold and bubbly so I do Diet Dr Pepper, but Mrs. Mo is a coffee queen. This is what she swears by. I make it every morning (nope, nothing to do with me being a good husband; pure self preservation) and it works great. Fresh ground beans every day keeps me alive for at least one more day. 

    We’ve got an older version of this, bought at Costco a long time ago. When it started giving us problems after about 5 years I took it back and they gave us another one. Have a French press but prefer the no mess simplicity of a drip.

    The key to me is to get a burr grinder, find beans you like and grind fresh every time.
  12. How did we fuck it up? What could they have done differently? Nobody watches that channel except for live events. The fact that they have to run the same LHN commercials 100 times a day is proof that nobody watches so they cant get advertisers to pay. It was a flawed concept. there simply isnt enough content. I had it for years and only watched for games. And depending on where you live, theres a decent chance your package doesnt even carry it. 

    This. Squandered resource. I’ve never understood why we didn’t use the LHN to program and broadcast every single event on campus, athletic and nonathletic, that wasn’t otherwise licensed.

    We could also highlight major research projects to attract students and donors. They did that recently with one project on noise research, then played it every 20 minutes like every other thing on the network. Why not a couple of hundred of those?

    Coach profiles, professor profiles, student athlete profiles? Promo videos for the programs on campus? More shows like the Augie cooking show - literally the best thing ever programmed on the channel that wasn’t a replay of an Aggy or OU loss.

    I’ll stop there because it ain’t gonna happen and I don’t really know why.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. I have questions about the sling, but what's with her dour facial expression?  And that jacket her mom knitted her from the crushed velvet seats of the '85 Buick Skylark she was conceived in.  And what the hell is Aaron Reitz doing there, on behalf of TPPF I'm assuming?  

    Reitz was introduced as from the AG’s office.
  14. There are 44,000+ on the appointment waiting list with the Family Emergency “hub” provider here in Wilco. They were supposed to start vaccinating from their 6,000 does shipment today.
     I registered there more than 10 days ago.

    Call your county commissioner. Make some noise, probably will help in Wilco.
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