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Posts posted by Godzillatron

  1. Well this is predictable.


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    Here’s the text if you don’t want to click through.

    For Immediate Public Release
    Facebook Stole Our Name and Livelihood

    Hello, World!

    We are Meta Company.

    Original Flavor.

    For the last three months, Facebook lawyers have been hounding us to sell our name to them. We refused their offer on multiple bases. Namely, the low offer wouldn’t cover the costs of changing our name, and we insisted on knowing the client and intent, which they did not want to disclose.

    At least two law firms were involved: One in the USA that requested our trademark and domains (Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton), and the other in Europe aggressively contacting trying to get us to sell our domain registrations (Hogan Lovells).

    On October 20th, 2021, during a phone call with Facebook attorneys, we declined their low offer and maintained our requirements. At this point, we presumed it was Facebook and identified them on the call. The attorney representing Facebook declared they would respect our existing right and registration.

    On October 28th, 2021, Facebook decided to commit trademark infringement and call themselves “Meta”.

    They couldn’t buy us, so they tried to bury us by force of media. We shouldn't be surprised by these actions — from a company that continually says one thing and does another. Facebook and its operating officers are deceitful and acting in bad faith, not only towards us, but to all of humanity.

    It's unfortunate to have been associated with a company so rooted in controversy and fixated on domination. We aim to be distinguished from Facebook's totalitarian view of the future. We hope the negative association with Facebook and its founder will be forgotten — but we won't ignore the damages done.

    We have proceeded to file the necessary legal actions. This message may be regarded as a public cease and desist. We welcome your support.

    One more thing: Our new product launch just got delayed because of Facebook. We must deal with these matters. In the coming weeks, we will make an announcement earlier than we expected. We promise it will be good. Stay tuned.

    Thank You.

    Nate Skulic
    Founder, MetaCompany

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  2. Not going to get rid of TSU.  But moving their law school and pharmacy college to Prairie View (which already has nursing school in Houston) would be good for Prairie View and those schools.
    UNT system dissolves.  UNT-Dallas a satellite campus and stick in Texas State University System.  UH system dissolves.  UHCLC merged into UH which becomes part of UT system.  UH-Victoria becomes Victoria State and UH Downtown Houston State and both join Texas State University system.  Send Angelo and Midwestern to Texas State University system along with W. Texas A&M, merge all the rest of Tech components and make it part of A&M system.  Both UH and Tech get some access to PUF money.
    System realignment talk....

    You Mensas know a shit ton about second tier Texas university systems. How about you move that to a new thread and let us talk about conference realignment here?

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    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Peripherally related to realignment-recruiting 2022 vs. 2021.  Top 50 in Texas
    2021 Texas 7
    2022 Texas 10 and leading in 3 others
    2021 A&M 9
    2022 A&M 10 and leading in 2 others
    2021 OU 5
    2022 OU 3 and leading on 1 other
    2021 other in state and Big 12 5
    2022 other in state and Big 12 6
    2021 out of state non Big 12 24
    2022 out of state non Big 12 13 and leading in 2 others.
    So basically 9 of the top 50 have shifted from schools like Alabama, Ohio St., Oregon and random SEC schools to Texas and aggy.

    Somebody should explain this to Bowlsby the next time he claims he has no idea why Texas and OU are leaving his conference. This, and a list of 11:00 am kicks.
  4. could you raise rent to cover?

    I got called horrible things by my tenant when I told them the rent was going up $400/ month just to cover taxes. They did me a favor by not renewing though, because then someone from of town offered to pay twice that increase.

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  5. Now I wanna tell you a story. I'm gonna ask ya'all to close your eyes while I tell you this story. I want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to yourselves.
    This is a story about a football coach taking on the head job at the flagship university of the 2nd largest state in the Union. I want you to picture this football coach.
    Suddenly a bus races up. The Arkansas Razorbacks jump out and call the hogs. They drag his pathetically talented offensive line into a nearby field and continually push their shit in with a 3 man front, and then they rip the freshman QBs clothes from his body. Now their running backs climbs on, first one then the other, then the other…… then the other, raping them, shattering everything innocent and pure -- vicious thrusts -- in a fog of drunken breath and sweat. And when they're done, after they killed any shred of dignity his team had, murdered any chance for them to go to the CFP, to have the oddly magical season so many of their delusional fans thought was possible, they decide to turn them over to their meth addled hillbilly friends to the west for target practice. So the hillbillies start throwing counters and punt passes at them. They throw 'em so hard that it tears the flesh of his team’s unathletic defense all the way to their bones -- and then they storm the field.
    Now comes the Cowboys for a hanging. They have a rope; they tie a noose by letting his team get out to an early 14 points lead. Imagine the noose pulling tight around his neck as again his scheme just can’t counter-balance the holes his offense and defense has for four full quarters of football. The team and its fans are pulled into the air, their feet and legs go kicking and they don't find the ground. The hanging branch isn't strong enough. It snaps and the team falls back to the earth for a bye week.
    Can you see him? His team raped, beaten, and broken by crushing losses, soaked in their collapses, soaked in their failures, soaked in their blood -- left to die.
    Can you see him? I want you to picture that football coach.
    Now imagine he’s Urban Meyer.  

    The Aristocrats!

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  6. Strikeout for me too. My hot streak has ended.

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    Somehow the notification emails have started getting hing up in my spam filter. I didn't even get to register for the draw.
  7. I think you are way overthinking this. Are you surprised that the appraisal today is significantly higher than a year ago when building materials are up by 2x and not coming down anytime soon? You talked about this a while back, but you are selling now. Current value is what it is - if they hadn’t jumped the gun you’d have agreed to follow the appraisal. So, follow the appraisal.

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    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. Baylor and TCU are the main backstabbing ingrates right now, hence their position front and center in my list of schools I don't care about when it comes to landing spots. Oklahoma State occasionally from what I understand (which is obviously at least second hand info because I'm not a journalist) which I assumed was because they historically thought OU would protect them. But the Cowboys not as recently. 
    I've always just considered Kansas as that guy in the corner covering his face by looking down when Texas's third tier rights "greed" is discussed. Those rascally Jayhawks.
    Ironically to most people, another school I've never heard about leaking greedy Texas stories to the press is OU. I've only heard about those assholes grinning and saying no comment. I assume the grinning part was metaphorical but who knows with those shitheads. 
    You are indeed correct a lot of it was historical, but the conference died a decade ago, it was just a slow death. By the time the smarter remaining schools figured out that shitting on Texas all the time wasn't going to work out for them long term, especially after the other 4 left them nowhere to go, it was too late. I won't deny that Texas has been at least contemplating more stable ground continuously since the SWC died. But that's just fiduciary duty when the Big 12 was unstable from the beginning, and Texas was not the sole or even majority reason for that instability, just a contributing one. 
    What I am arguing and will continue to argue is that the Big 12 could have been that stable home if it hadn't taken the wrong turn at nearly every major decision point. Texas certainly helped steer the wrong way sometimes (see what I did there?) but not nearly every time. And that's exactly why some of us are saying better conference leadership from the beginning would have helped. You can say the conference network thing was a long time ago but consider how much different the world looks right now if the Big 12 Network had been the first successful conference third tier creation. 

    This is on point. And honestly it’s not even the i8’s fault that Texas is leaving. There’s an alternate history where Texas beats ‘Bama in the title game, stays a national power over the next decade, doesn’t hire shitty AD’s and coaches, and puts the conference on their back and carries the B12 to the front of the pack.

    Didn’t happen.

    In this reality, Texas wasn’t staying in the B12 past 2025 once ESPN chose not to reopen the TV contract last year. Add too many recruiting losses head to head with SEC teams, sprinkle NIL on top and… it was just time.
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