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Posts posted by BBQ2Bayou

  1. Any of you like this guy? He's a hell of a songwriter. I think fairly unknown. He's got a CD Kenai Dreams from the late 90's then one called Big Car Town from a couple years ago. He's got a new one out with just Townes songs. He mentions playing with Townes a few times in his videos. There's not much to find and I'm trying to get Kenai Dreams from him because I can't find it to buy. 

    Anyway, some really good songwriter music he has. 


  2. There are some studies on dogs perception of time. Like they can tell 30 minutes to 2 hours, but after 2 hours it's just kind of all the same to them. It's hard to see it that way because they get so fucking excited to see their people when they come home. You naturally think, "shit, poor doggie", Of course they're happy to see you, but they weren't thinking "that dick has been gone a long damn time". They'll sleep and look out the window and be in their little world. 


    @dingleberryswitzeryou are a fuckface. I laughed though. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, formermav43 said:

    I'm not 1099, but am still getting status not available. And from everything I've read now that they are updating more info, there's nothing I can do. It seems likely I did not get a direct deposit because I have to pay every year rather than get a refund. They have my bank account info because they draft from my account every month to pay out my installment agreement, but, in their infinite wisdom, they will not deposit into the account they have on file to withdraw from. "Get My Payment" theoretically allows you to enter bank account info, but I have never received that option. I cannot call them to figure this out for sure, of course, so they will probably send me a paper check. Unfortunately, I moved last year, so the address on my 2018 taxes is not current. That is where they will send the money because I haven't filed for 2019 yet. But you can't just update your address with them - the only way they will do that is through filing for 2019, which I am not going to do because they're not due now until July 15 and I will owe money (see above). Basically, I have no idea where it is or when or how I'll get it.

    tl;dr The IRS sucks.

    Alright, that's the response I was looking for. I'm going through the same thing, even though I was 1099. I owed for 2018 so I set up an automatic withdrawal from my checking, but yeah, guess they can't just reverse engineer that brain buster. I also moved from where I was when I filed 2018 and have also waited on 2019 because of the extension. 

    I'm alright money wise to wait, I just want to know if I'm getting it. Because when I say alright, I don't mean I have no money worries at all right now.  

  4. 16 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    I’m getting it as well, and it’s because I’m 1099.   I’m also up in the air on PPP app right now since I filed it last week but haven’t heard if I made the cut or not.  Yay.  

    I'm also 1099 and am at status not available. Is there anything I need to do on my end? I've looked, but fuck. 

  5. I forgot to ask mine a question and she's a pain in the ass to get in touch with. She said bifocals would help with reading next time I got new glasses. She put "Can add 1.50 bifocal" on the RX so I can order them that way, or not. I have contacts that are -2.50 in both eyes. Not progressive or for astigmatism or anything. What kind of readers, if any, would help for up close shit while my contact are in? I usually have to take off my glasses to read really small print, so obviously if i have in contacts, I can't see small print very well. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    Yeah this “status unavailable” BS sucks. Pretty sure I read there’s going to be another portal for people just needing to update their direct deposit info. Haven’t talked to one person today that has had the new portal work. People have received moneys though.... blasted.

    Mine is at this and I know they have my bank info, because they take 100$ out every month from owing last year. I thought I read, that wouldn't matter if you owed for something else. Anyone know abouts all that? 

  7. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    "there is nothing about this that drinking wouldn't make ten times worse" have never been more apt than they are right now.  

    Sure would be the ultimate excuse though, wouldn't it? Shit, how many excuses have we all come up with that made zero sense to anyone but us? 

    This whole thing would give me a great reason to lie to myself for another year of drinking. Glad I don't see it that way anymore. 

    • Like 1
  8. Has there been any way to somewhat track relapses during this? Numbers in rehab or deaths from addiction or anything? Or just what y'all have seen personally?

    Hope everyone here hasn't had too tough of a time with isolation. I know it's hard for a lot of people. I'm a homebody anyway, so I haven't much of a difference. 

    Except for a drinking dream recently that I hadn't had in a while. The real vivid type where you wake up so pissed off at yourself. It's always nice once you realize you didn't and wake up sober another day.  

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, F250 said:

    This was the best line of the entire series.

    That was the best line of a lot of series with the delivery and all. It caught me off guard and I about choked.

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/18/2020 at 9:53 PM, Etexhorn13 said:

    I sweat a metric shit ton when I sleep. I’ve lost track of the amount of times I’ve woken up to go to the bathroom and have to change my t shirt or my side of the bed was soaked. Switched sheets about a year ago and that’s generally gone away. For 85 bucks switching sheets were a pretty nice solution. 


    You're now responsible for 5 sheet sets and a duvet set from me. These sheets are really, really nice. 

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