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Posts posted by BBQ2Bayou

  1. 2 hours ago, ernest_t_bass said:

    5 years today, brothers!



    Man, nice work. I remember it like yesterday on the shag when you quit and I lurked on this thread shitfaced every night. 

    Big hug, or elbow bump, whatever. No homo. 


    • Like 2


    10 hours ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

    So your out-of-State limits are as follows:

    14g flower. Good luck getting more than 7g during lockdown. You might get lucky and find 14g popcorn/b-grade stuff.

    2.5g concentrate (wax/butter/pen/cartridge). You could max out here. Disposable pens are 250/330/500mg, cartridges 500mg, wax/butter 1g.

    250mg edibles/tinctures. I haven’t seen any products over 100mg. You can hit the max again, but not at a particularly good price point. Estimate $40 for a 100mg product. 

    Other than Sunnyside.shop , I can’t vouch for any stores or their online presence.


    Thank you, man. That's what I was looking for. 



    I'm going to Illinois to buy stuff and I don't know shit. I'm limited to 15 grams, so I'm sure I'll be going to multiple shops. 

    I know that's 1/2 oz. of flower. I usually smoke oil carts that are 500 mg or 1000 mg, but I assume I can't buy 15 of those? So  how much of that can I get? And same with edibles. I don't have much experience with those, but I want to. Now concentrates I don't have any experience with but I'm willing to learn. 

    I need like a starter kit all put together. 

  2. 5 hours ago, BigDHornfan said:

    Watching this for the first time now and about halfway through S4.
    Just incredible.
    And I wanna fuck the shit out of Pearlman.

    Both of these. I watched the first 2 seasons probably 10 years ago and for some reason stopped. Recently went through them all from the start. Helluva show. 

  3. 1 hour ago, formermav43 said:

    I was  finally able to set up direct deposit today. A few days ago, it finally changed from "payment status not available" to stating that my information did not match what they had on file. After trying different combinations over the last couple of days (and getting locked out on the 3rd try), it accepted it today - I had to spell out my whole address, no abbreviations at all. So keep trying, it might eventually work.

    Haha. I did the same shit and got locked out. finally found the exact AGI and refund/owe amount from 2018. 

    It was just sitting in my documents folder labeled 2018 Taxes. I have so little confidence in myself that there was no way I would have saved it to the easiest place possible with the easiest name possible. 


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. I'm sure this has been discussed as much as the new laptop/tablet threads, but I can't find it.  Seems like all the players now do this after WII was kind of the pioneer? 

    My deal is, I don't really play video games, I do real exercise outside, but I'd like something at home that gets my heart rate up a little and is fun to play. Tennis, boxing, whatever I'm sure there are a million games. So I don't need to be linking up with the rest of the world to go into virtual battle. It's just me. I live alone and don't plan to sit around with friends playing this stuff (I don't think).

    I have no idea what my best option is here. 400 dollars seems a bit much to want to play some tennis a coupe times a week. Plus I don't know what all equipment I need. I see some use the controllers, Xbox? has some sort of kinetic sensor?

    I'll spend the money if that's what it takes, but without needing a bunch of the geeker stuff, can't I keep the price down some? 


  5. I've heard Aaron say the flat is his favorite part and takes pride in it, because it's harder than the point to get really good, which I know is pretty common with you top dogs. And I know you'll consider me a tourist, or a yankee, or a traitor, or a cocksucker for usually going straight for the fatty pieces of a brisket first, but damn the lean pieces of that brisket were so much better than I've had before. The whole thing was outstanding, but that stood out to me. 

    I do like John Mueller's bark more.  Just that extra pepper and maybe a little thicker than Aaron's? I'm not sure. But this tasted like a highly cared for brisket. That fucker was amazing.  



    • Like 1
  6. It was talked about in the Amazon thread. I didn't realize they cancelled it until you made me just look it up. 

    It's a great show. Another example of people not being able to follow the subtle, brilliant writing and acting, so it gets cancelled. Dammit. 

    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    Went off the rails over the weekend eating junk. Sometimes I have to do that to refocus. Plan on strictly following the diet until my 40th in a few weeks. Bought a bike online today too because my legs and feet are getting tired of all the walking. 

    I need something like a bike to do cardio. That's pretty much all I did at the gym, besides some cable weights. Bike and stair master for 30 minutes each hard, have my heart rate in the 140-150's for an hour. I can't get my heart rate up walking and my knees won't let me run anymore. I tried to incorporate sprints into walking, but that was too hard on my knees, too. 

    There's got to be something simple I can do for good cardio. I have a jump rope, but I have to take that outside and really don't have anywhere to do that. A bike is too permanent. Thought about a small trampoline for inside. Even stairs would be fine, but I can't think of anywhere I can do that. I do a lot of rucking, but that doesn't get my heart going much, either. 

    Lunges or some shit? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Treefidy said:

    In Austin:

    I-35 about 60-70% normal depending on direction, notably less rush hour traffic.

    mopac and 360 are down considerably. 

    620 isn't skipping a beat, busy as summer with school out. 

    City obviously using this time to do some major road projects on 2222 and SW parkway

    You really think the city organized or reorganized to increase major roadwork during this time once they realized traffic would be lower? That's a serious question. I have no idea, but it seems like a lot to put all that together. Maybe it's not, I dunno. It'd be great if they could to keep those people working. 

  9. Gonna try his bbq for the first time Thursday. I'm moving out of state and had to try it once. I've been trying to get it ordered for 2 weeks but they never had a day available. 

    Anybody done their curbside yet or know someone who has? Pain in the ass and takes a while? Easy and quick? Something in the middle?

    Sell it on the black market and buy a Ferrari?

  10. You guys been going the right way or wrong way during this? My days haven't changed much from the virus, but I turned up the notch a little the last few weeks. Have myself down to 172, which at 5'10" and coming from an overweight pedigree, I feel really good about it. I had hit 220 a year and a half ago and it's been pretty slow and steady since I started working at it. It's a good weight for me, but I'd like to lose 8 or so more, just so when I gain 10 pounds over a holiday I can just shrug it off. 

    I have gotten to that point though, where almost all of my clothes need to be replaced. That's a bit daunting because I like clothes and spend money on them. I'm just trying to watch sales, and pick up a shirt here, pair of pants there. Not the worst problem to have. Especially right now. 

    Keep on keepin on, my fat and fit friends alike. 

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, wutang75 said:

    Desperately looking for something to binge with my 12 year old. Thinking about jumping in to Lost. Any other suggestions? Looking for a drama series - we are already watching most of the comedy stuff like Schitt’s Creek, Brooklyn 99, etc.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    I think Lost would be a great one to get sucked into right now. Don't know how much a 12 year old would dig it, however.

    Not that they wouldn't like it, I just don't know anything about kids.

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