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Posts posted by BBQ2Bayou

  1. I stopped in Austin to see some friends in 2001 on my way to move out to California. I'd never been so my buddy took me down to 6th the first night. We stumbled into Joe's Generic and watched GCJ, 17 years old and mostly unknown. That kid absolutely floored me. That was the kind of Austin that everyone talked about and you could just tell he was special. 

    I said fuck California and ended up in Austin for 14 years, partly because that's one of the first things I saw. Where else are you gonna stumble into a bar like Joe's Generic, piss out back and then listen to a GCJ for a couple hours with his high school friends cheering him on at 1 in the morning on a Wednesday? 

    • Like 5
  2. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Cheadle continues to fly under the radar. I feel like this show will be forgotten by the masses like the excellent House of Lies. 

    Is it a Showtime thing? 

    I agree he's under the radar. He's great. I doubt this lasts longer than this season or maybe 2. At least House of Lies got 5? Maybe it's a Seth Rogen thing here. Depending on how much he had to do with it, he can fuck up anything. 

  3. I just watched the first 5 or 6, whatever it is now. I'm a Cheadle fan and this show seems to have all the parts to be pretty good, but it's just not. I don't hate it and I'll continue watching, but it's really lacking chemistry or writing or something. I'm not good at putting my finger on that stuff. 

    Seems like every joke is so unoriginal and every part that is supposed to be serious isn't delivered well at all. Also had no idea that the lambo limo was a real thing. That's fucking dumb.

    But any half decent show about some high flying coke heads gets my attention, especially in a world that's so foreign to me. 

  4. 1 hour ago, seven said:

    Lorena (on prime) - I was a preteen when this happened so I was always aware of it in a pop culture sense, but had no idea how big of a piece of shit John wayne Bobbitt is. Jesus. Good watch though. 

    Amazon. But yeah, that dude is a real fuckstick. I liked it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, ernest_t_bass said:

    Every now and then I'll have a very realistic dream where I'm picking through some craft beers in a store, and enjoying the taste of one. And then another.  And then another 12 or so.

    April 27 will be 4 years.

    Haha, shit. Shows how much my concept of time was off when I was drinking. I still read this thread everyday when I was drinking because I knew I needed help. I remember your post perfectly when you reached a year and I also remember you posting when you quit, it just seemed to me like that post was 15 or 16 months ago.  

    Bear, got ya. The reason I asked is because I gave up cigarettes when I stopped drinking and didn't use anything, but I still get strong cravings everyday. 


  6. 15 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    Yup. I need to give that a listen.

    Ok, here's how I know I'm an addict.

    I quit smoking circa 2000. Replaced Marlboro lights with Levi Garrett. I can't stand dipping but I loved chewing tobacco. So after a few years I just started chewing nicorette. Fast forward to jan 2019. Still on the gum, lozenges, and finally quit with the patch. So I was 100% nicotine free for about 3 weeks.

    My wife doesn't smoke much, about 3 packs a year. Usually when on vacation with the gals where she gets over served like an amateur, the fuckin normie. When I met her she was a smoker and by the 3rd date she had quit and I asked her why she wasn't smoking and she said "oh, well, you dont smoke so I thought it was kind of a nasty habit anyway so I just quit." Just like that.

    Anyway, at the casino Friday and Saturday we split a pack of Marlboro ultra lights. About 8 on friday night and then 2 on saturday morning. Its Tuesday and I'm craving nicotine.

    Mental obsession and all. Oh, it'll be different this time. Hahahahaha.

    Nicotine is so hard to quit. I've got the brain of a chronic addict.

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    How do you figure you were 100% nicotine free still chewing nicotine gum and lozenges? Or am I not reading that correctly? 

  7. 15 hours ago, ernest_t_bass said:

    My accidental slips in my dreams are enough for me.  It's a weird feeling to be relieved in your dreams (to be drinking again), and be relieved when you awake, that it was just a dream.  Perhaps "relieved" is not the right term for the former scenario.

    You still getting those? IIRC, you're well over a year now, right? I'm only about 10 months, but mine have tapered off quite a bit. Still every now and then, but it was a few times a week for a while. 

  8. 20 hours ago, Loco said:

    I drink coffee out of a  Hydroflask (which I actually think is a much better product than Yeti)....  Hydroflask stuff feels more solid and I haven't been able to break any of their stuff, even with big drops.  I've busted 2 Yeti Ramblers...  Yeti did not Honore their warranty because I bought them from an unlicensed dealer... a little company called Amazon


    I have both and you're right. At least as far as keeping ice. I've left both in my car in the Louisiana summer and the Hydroflask gets a few more hours of kept ice than the Yeti. They're both pretty fucking impressive though when you're talking about a cup. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Augustus said:

    It was instantaneous.

    My brain acted like the Prodigal Son has just burst into the room like the Kool Aid man.

    Same thing happened to me when I accidentally drank some mimosa. Small drink and felt it hard and immediate. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    That was one of the things that surprised me during my 3-week keto trip.  I had absolutely no cravings.  Half the time I ate it was because I was on a sort of schedule.  The couple of times I went on a more traditional, caloric-based diet led to massive cravings within a day.  If I hadn't hit such a wall weight-wise, I would have stuck with it.  As mentioned earlier, I got down 8 lbs pretty quickly, gained several pounds, and just got stuck there for over a week.  At that point I was all "F it".  Still at 207 this AM.

    That's funny. My 8 pound loss put me at 207 this morning, too. I was down to 203 after the first week, so I'm assuming (hoping) the water weight went, came back and now I'll be more consistent and don't hit a wall like you did. I really should put away the scale for a couple weeks because I'm on it too much and I know that's not a good measuring stick. 

    I took pictures week 1,2 and 3 and can see the difference in body composition. I wish I would have started off measuring, but I have a pair of jeans laid out that fit when I was at a decent weight for me, and I try those on every few days to see if there's a difference and even though they don't fit well, I can get them on without too much trouble. 

    • Like 1
  11. Today is 3 weeks into trying keto. I'm down about 8 pounds, which I'm more than happy with. I wasn't trying to lose 20 in a month. 

    I've never really dieted and was skeptical of the keto thing because it seems extreme, but after reading about it a bunch, and taking all the internet testimonials with a large grain of salt, I wanted to give it a shot. Besides the weight loss, I feel great. Like really good physically. Aches and pains from some stuff that's been bothering me for 6 months are starting to go away and I'm able to exercise pretty hard again. 

    The carb cravings are going away. I was watching a show this morning on breakfast places serving up the kind of stuff that would normally make me jiz my drawers and it really didn't look all that good. The sugar cravings are still high, but they come and go pretty quick. I don't see any reason to give it up now. I'd probably keep doing it even if I wasn't losing weight because I feel so good. 



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  12. Is alcohol in food something a lot of alkies are careful about? I had never thought about that and looked it up and did see people talking about how they avoid it. I switched mouthwash to non-alcohol and thought that might be a little extreme, but why chance it? I also won't drink N/A beer or whatever because I'm almost sure that would send me to bad places, but food wasn't something on my radar until now. 

    I don't go to meetings, so you drunks are the only ones I hear about this stuff from. 

    Day 292 for me. And really, I'm just now starting to feel good. But part of that was other health stuff that wasn't serious or alcohol related, just pain in the ass nagging injuries type stuff.  This has been the longest 292 days I could imagine, but I say that in a really good way. 

    Not long because I've been miserable from not being able to drink, but long from being able to embrace every minute and slow down to take everything in. It wasn't some sort of meditation or state of mind I was trying to achieve, it just happened organically after month or 2 of sobriety. 

    Before, 6 weeks would go by like it was a weekend, because it basically was. A really shitty, awful, long weekend, over and over, that wouldn't end even though somewhere inside of me I wanted it to be a Monday morning of different and new life.

    And damn, it feels good that that new week finally started and continues.  



  13. 2 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    He did over 500 miles.  I wouldn't call that fuck all.  And he writes from a perspective of someone who has never done anything like that before, similar to OP.

    I'm not calling him out because he's not able to hike the whole thing. I probably couldn't do 50 miles in a week right now. I'm calling him out because he's so far beyond full of shit about everything, and he's a fat, lazy, fuck stick and he sure as fuck didn't do 500 miles. Nothing wrong with that, but don't act like you're some badass. 

    He needs to stick to telling stories in British pubs and act like he was born there and not fucking Iowa.  

  14. On 2/15/2019 at 9:46 AM, Player said:

    Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot - this is a great film, and Joaquin Phoenix and Jonah Hill were both terrific. 


    This one hits some spots as a recovering alcoholic. There's some real accurate portrayal of emotions in the movie and Phoenix makes it that way because he's so good. 

    I thought it was just fair, though. I couldn't really get into it, but didn't dislike it. Just wasn't crazy about it. 

  15. On 2/16/2019 at 11:52 AM, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Started keto at 216.  Dropped pretty quickly to 209.  For about 10 days, my weight hovered between 209 and 214.  I got pissed and quit keto.  I'm now at 207 w/o doing anything special.  I'd absolutely love to get to 195 but would settle for 200.  Seeing as how I'm about to go balls deep into soccer and cycling, I'm pretty sure the last few lbs will take care of themselves.

    I may have found the perfect routine for myself.  I take a small breakfast shake for breakfast to school, usually eat an adult (genoa salami / crackers) lunchable for lunch.  I have no way of snacking since I'm in an elem school and would never eat the cafeteria food.  As a teacher, I probably sit less than 30 mins a day during school. In the evening, I turn into a fatass for one meal.  

    So few calories (before 5pm) + natural exercise as a teacher + kind of being fat in the evening = losing some weight.  


    How long did you do keto when you dropped the first 7 pounds you said was quickly? How strict were you with your diet? Counting all your intake and measuring ketones or anything like that? I ask because this is the first time I've tried this diet and still don't know what to expect. Different with everyone, I know. 

    I've been pretty good I think, but I've kind of plateaued also after losing 6 pounds the first week. This week will start week 3.  

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