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Posts posted by Poolflood

  1. 8 hours ago, Armybrat said:

    I’m at the Venetian in Las Vegas, so how much should I lay on the game?

    Half of your budget for hookers and blow.  You'll double up after the game.

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    He hasnt had a meaningful snap in over a year. Even Joe Montana couldnt just come out of the stands and have a feel for what these receivers will do. He sucked because Herman decided we were gonna go without a true backup this year. Although Ehlinger is the better QB at this point, Shane wouldnt be this much worse than him with some meaningful playing time. 

    Yes, but 75% of the posters bitching over the last two pages would have come in and completed 90% of their passes with zero interceptions.  Shane just sucks

  3. 16 minutes ago, Xian said:

    It really was a near perfect ending. A beat down might have been more fulfilling nearterm, but the near OU comeback moves this game to legends category that will make it still be remembered by both sides 20 years from now. 


    Yum. Sooner tears 20 years from now will sure taste good. Especially if KM goes on to have a great baseball career.   Like a fine wine. 

    Don't think that fucker had the mental fortitude to make it to the show.  

    Maybe defensive substitute or pinch runner.

    Too big of a pussy to make it through the system

  4. 17 hours ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

    I work from home so I'm usually the one who "gets ready" for the cleaning lady each week. I don't travel a whole lot, but I do travel for work some and Mrs CL has lately started complaining lately about the cleaning lady coming when I'm out of town. Apparently it's too much work for her to spend the 10 minutes that I normally spend getting the house ready picking up dirty clothes and putting away breakfast dishes. She says it's hard enough already to get the kids out of bed and off to school by herself. (Normally this is my job, too)

    This week I have to leave town. Cleaning lady is supposed to come on Wednesday (today). Mrs CL tells me to tell the cleaning lady not to come at all. She "can't handle" the extra work. I tell her OK, but point out that the house will now go two weeks without getting cleaned up and it needs it.

    Never fear she says, I'll do a little cleaning myself before I go to work. I ask about this obvious contradiction and apparently that's a TONE-worthy question I shouldn't be asking. 

    These are the texts I started getting during my breakfast meeting this morning in Chicago:



    There's a joke about "sucking" in here but the whole thing is just too sad

  5. 19 hours ago, UcancallmeSurly said:

    Aggy Uber driver tday:   ''Texas should have cancelled the series with OU & not us...  A&M/Texas was a much bigger rivalry".   Overall great guy, veteran etc...   later he shared that his Longhorn fan Dad told him that if he would've known his son was going to be an Aggy, he would have drowned him at birth.




    My version of this.

    I've told my teenage kids since they were old enough to make our proper sign and say "Hook 'em".

    I'll love you most if you go to UT.

    I'll still love you if you go to atm.

    I'll forget your name in fifteen fucking seconds if you go to ou.

  6. Hager and Sam have to be on point.  Neither can let emotion of the game get the best of them.  

    Orlando's delayed blitz packages will get us lit.  Bring the house with GJ to convince the little fuck that shortstop is his best position.

    Ingram and Tre need to pound the rock.


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