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Posts posted by stork642

  1. 2 hours ago, LTtxfan said:


    Imagine having issues catching the ball that had nothing to do with his “broken hand” and everything to do with his inability to adjust to balls in flight.  Then imagine lack of effort and a deva mentality contributing to subpar results if it weren’t for the fact that the team you play on threw you so many damn passes that you wound up leading the league in receptions.  Wonder what his reception percentage was.  I bet it didn’t lead the league.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 20 hours ago, Getafix said:


    The story started off with so much promise ... a cute Finnish girl and a cute Norwegian girl, on missions.  Oh, the pun possibilities alone are endless (finish?  missionary finish?  Norwegian wood?).  

    Instead, we end up with references to two guys on a bicycle, paganism and atheism.

    Sorta like the Chris Beard saga.


    Made me think of this

    chris farley what the fuck GIF

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Drayton had Cain ready to commit on the morning of signing day. Cain calls him and says he "thinks he wants to" sign with Texas. Herman is on speaker with Drayton and says to Cain something to the effect of "I don't want a guy who 'thinks' he's ready to come to Texas. We only want guys who 'know' they want to come to Texas." Cain and him talk for another couple of seconds and they hang up.

    Cain then sits down at his ceremony and signs with Penn State. After the call, he told a parent that he thought about which coach he wanted to play for and it didn't make sense to sign with Texas. 

    It's one of many stories in which Herman thought he was funnier, more strategic, and smarter than everyone else. Instead, what he showed himself to be was an asshole with a fanatical, almost pathological, need to pull the bookshelf on top of himself repeatedly. 

    Thanks for the details.  Tommie’s narcissism got the best of him that day.  He should have explained to Cain that he was a Mensa member.  That would have fixed it I’m sure. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Mike Farrell these days is the recruiting equivalent of truck stop hooker. He's "independent," and will do the most pathetic, degrading thing for a few pennies. Not even a two-bit pimp like Rivals would waste their time trying to (continue to) employ such a low earning potential whore. Hes the "Godfather of Recruiting," without the obvious irony, not because that's the name he's given himself, but because he's old as fuck and out to pasture and it would be a mercy if he just had a fucking heart attack in a garden playing with his grandkids. Except I doubt he can afford a place with room for a garden, and I'd be shocked if any woman fucked him, much less if he had kids or grandkids. 

    The Simpsons GIF

  5. 3 hours ago, BigDHornfan said:

    Hell don’t know them,
    Spend less than $20 and get an Evan Williams Bottled in Bond.
    Fucking great bang for the Buck.

    This.  Also you can’t go wrong with Old Grand Dad 114.  

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  6. 14 hours ago, quigley said:

    Back in the day, middle school was well known to be more dangerous than high school because most of the REALLY dangerous kids had been dismissed or left before high school.

    My Jr High outside free time after lunch was like a prison yard.  Better have eyes in the back of your head.  One day you’re part of the group seeking prey the next day you’re the prey.  Got my doctorate in crisis management in middle school.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  7. 6 minutes ago, Vito Andolini said:

    Blaming Caleb Williams for USC losses is a helluva take. The defense is shit. And I’m all for it. That was a very satisfying result.

    I blame Caleb for being a complete douche.  He knew what he was signing up for in Riley’s system.  You can win the Heisman but that’s about it.  If he wants to win those important games at the end of the year he needs to play like a Heisman winner.   Caleb seems like his priority is in individual accomplishments.   

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