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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Damor

  1. I finally get to join the thread soon -- wife picked out a lab and we pick it up next week.

    I haven't had a dog since I was a kid, and all our dogs were entertaining but poorly behaved dipshits, though it didn't matter because we lived out in the sticks  Do y'all have any good resources (books, youtube, whatever) on basic dog and owner training to start off on the right foot/paw?

    I'm anticipating that the most difficult part will be to get our 13yo and 10yo boys on the same page with us, since our attempts at their human male obedience training have been largely futile.

  2. We ran cat6 errwhere.  Most of it will probably never get used, but better to have it now.  Remember if you do a mesh router you can always use a wired backhaul.

    We ran lots of speaker wire, too, but I'm finding that syncing up whole house audio with Google Homes/Chromecast Audios is easier and cheaper for our needs presently.

    Smart lights can either be at the switch or the bulb -- I have a mix of both, as there are advantages of each for different uses.  One thing to consider is flush mount LEDs instead of putting LED bulbs in cans -- we did that in a lot of places.  It looks surprisingly good, and saves money -- cost is about the same as the can enclosure, and lower installation cost.

  3. Android, Tapa v 7.4.3.

    Keep getting the same situation where subscribed/unread/whatever shows randomly 'no messages' and I have to log out and wait 10-15min before logging back in.

    I'd just get over it and get rid of tapa if we could solve the imgur problem.

  4. DavidSW is awesome.

    I was nervous as hell trying to take a wrapped watch through TSA, but they got behind and started rushing people through screening, so it didn't get a second glance.

    New customs process in Cancun is awesome. No trouble at all.

    Thanks, y'all.

    She absolutely loves it, and respects the rules.

  5. 3 hours ago, Uncle Nate said:

    Here's one of the things I cannot wrap my human head around...the concept of "eternal".

    It's actually always been a very scary concept to me for some reason.  God is eternal.  He is not created.  He has always been and always will be.  And by what is written and what I believe, we will live with Him for eternity.

    You want to talk about a concept that scared the crap out of me as a child?  The concept of eternity, and the concept that God is eternal.  

    But think about it like this...for a God to be able to create all of this...the math, the physics, the subatomic, the solar system, nuclear fusion and fission, the universe, us, everything...he has to be on a level of existence that we couldn't possibly comprehend...a level that is not created, but that just exists.  Otherwise, would He even be God? 

    Think about it...how disappointing would God be to us if we could understand Him?  He created the freaking universe...why would we want a God we could comprehend?  Wouldn't that be kind of boring if God was simple enough for us to understand?  Then we would question how a being that simple could have possible created all of the complex universe.  This is why the incarnation of God in the form of a man named Jesus was necessary...that is the only way our simple minds could possibly talk and interact with God.  He had to bring himself down to our level for us to get it.

    On a side note...I always thought it was cool how consistent God is in his creation.  He basically has atoms and the subatomic particles that make up atoms  look and act like the planets and solar systems, which then are small particles to the much larger galaxies and so on and so forth.  Little particles orbiting around bigger particles...everything sticking together through what we understand as gravity (but still have so much more to learn about it...especially how it bends space & time).  You gotta admit...He is consistent in how he constructs everything...loves him some stuff orbiting around other stuff. Major props.


    For anyone interested in these lines of thinking, I must strongly recommend Stephen Barr's Modern Physics and Ancient Faith.


    Someone on the old board recommended it, I wish I remembered who.  I cannot pretend to have completely grasped either the theology or the physics, so I can't speak authoritatively as to the accuracy of either; however, I thought it was a very measured and well reasoned discussion which makes some very profound points.

    I also liked it because it quietly stands against the anti-intellectualism that has come to characterize modern 'religious debate.'

    I think this is a great read for both Christians and non-Christians who are able to refrain from dismissing these subjects out-of-hand (from either side), and to really put some thought into it.  It's meant a lot to me.

    • Like 1
  6. We went a couple summers ago.  It's absolutely beautiful.  We had a great time, though I think we found that the Durango/Gunnsion vibe is a little more our speed.

    Found a lot of these places with help from the old board (thanks a lot, Kevin):

    Siam Thai:  Fantastic food, cool spot.  One highlight was a bluegrass band playing Marty Robbins' Big Iron on the porch of a Thai restaurant.
    Brown Dog Pizza:  Lived up to its billing.  Great place, nice beer selection.
    Smuggler's Brew Pub:  Good, but nothing to really distinguish itself from any of the other billion brewpubs in Colorado IMO.
    Chop House:  Didn't get to go here, as no reservations were available while we were there, but it's supposed to be good.
    Butcher & Baker Cafe:  This place was hyped up everywhere, but this was the worst restaurant experience I had in Colorado.  Smug, pretentious, and insistent upon itself, from the way you order to the service which couldn't be bothered to help.  And how the fuck does a place with Butcher in the name make it so hard to get some fucking bacon???  Hard pass.

    Telluride Brewing Company isn't in town proper and thus not walkable,  but had really great brews.  Didn't see any food.

    We stayed at the Hotel Telluride, which was very cool.  They had a gorgeous lobby, and it was a great place to hang out in the evening.  They usually had someone playing music, and my boys had a blast playing chess in front of the huge fireplace while dad enjoyed a beer from the bar.

    We also rented a jeep from Colorado 145.  Hadn't done that before, but it was a great experience.  We drove up to Bridal Veil falls and did Imogene pass.  My boys had a blast.

    If you decide to drive around to Ouray/Silverton/etc., one cool thing we found was the Old Hundred Mine Tour, staffed by former miners who have some cool stories to tell.

    Enjoy your trip!

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  7. Buy Costas at Steep & Cheap for enough of a discount that they aren't irreplaceable.  I have had a couple of the polycarbonate lenses smear or scratch more easily than I would have liked, but I've generally been pleased.  The glass lenses are awesome but pricey, even at a discount.

    If you put stuff on a credit card for points, check if you get a reward bonus through your card portal -- I get 5-8 points/$ at Steep & Cheap.

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