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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Like literally what happened to the play calling? It’s turning back into the “it’s 3rd and long Dak save us!” playcalling. Glad they got that jump but it’s a good play regardless.
  2. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Should know with these refs anything close will go the other way. Offense will have to be perfect from here on. Defense is fucked. They can’t stop this stupid fucking offense and the bears will get away with everything. Cowboys win. But It’ll come down to the final drive again.
  3. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Yep. Can’t wait till Dallas gets screwed over the same exact type of play. It will happen.
  4. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Well shit if they don’t overturn that good job defense. But of course it will be overturned.
  5. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Kellia Moore calling plays again? Literally wasted a play with a run right up the middle on first down when the bears KNEW it was coming.
  6. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    I just need they’d do a stupid run on first down in that position. Probably smart but man they saw it coming.
  7. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    And her we fucking go, horrible field position and we wonder why the offense doesn’t get points here.
  8. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Ugh its fucking disgusting. OffeNe gonna have to keep doing what it did before the last drive to win this game. It’s clear the defense barely can stop this amazing bears offense and the refs will keep them in it from here on out(that much is obvious at this point…or we’d at least see some holdings called. We should not feel This way about an 11 point lead going into half. Get your shit together defense. And offense go back to the first quarter flow of plays.
  9. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Finally a cowboy got fields down. But not behind the line. Wilson needs to keep doing that.
  10. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Yay. Can’t wait for this discourse. Cowboys imploding but it’s going to all be laid on one persons head. Just hold for a FG and come out the 2nd half to win. Fuck.
  11. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Of course. Now we got a game. All because the defense is too stupid to contain and not commit penalties. Also, the refs suck again…not a single fucking hold called? Again?
  12. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    The bad thing is that’s a still a pick without the hit.
  13. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    That’s Def a penalty. Fucking stupid team. Can’t help themselves.
  14. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Man a game that should be basically over is about to be a 2 score game with the bears getting ball after half. All because They can’t figure out how to fucking contain a QB.
  15. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Why? He’ll just get thrown off, or take a bad angle, or completely whiff like everyone else. God this QB is going to be as annoying as Hurts or what Rodgers always does to us. Ugh.
  16. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    I really don’t want to teash this defense. But come the fuck on. That’s at least 3, maybe 4, times you’ve had fields dead to rights on 3rd down and let him get away for a First down DL simply can’t not contain at all. It’s fucking silly.
  17. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Cowboys need to trade for a DB. I know oriole sacared about WR depth but Washington is coming back in a few weeks or so. They NEED a DB. Lewis being gone for the year is bad enough. Another injury and they’re screwed.
  18. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Love the TD celebration
  19. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    I know the bears are bad. But this is a beat down. Exactly what you want to see. Dak showing what he can do when he’s confident and healthy. Helps that they have no pass rush of course. Lol. Also, notice a certain someone hasn’t come in here posting yet? Waiting on a pick I guess.
  20. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Facts. Yes these running, screen and slant type college offense are tougher to defend. But like I said Dallas did figure out Philly pretty well. They just didn’t stop them the one drive they had several opportunities to. I think Quinn and parsons will light a fire under this DL and stop fucking up.
  21. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    WtF is this? WB sneaks to pick up 3rd and shorts?!? They start running with Dak Again and the offense will unlock. Also pollard is a cheat code.
  22. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    I mean they figured Philly out for the most part. They only had 1 drive in the 2nd half. The issue was the offense crapped the bed for a half. I suspect the defense will take over in the 2nd half as usual. But they could have ended this early. Nice start to this drive too. That pats was behind. It good catch by Gallup.
  23. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Such an infuriating drive. This isn’t the typical “Dallas can’t stop the run” crap we’ve heard over and over again. It’s just stupid “can’t keep the QB from getting first in 3rd and long”. Because they’re playing reckless and no contain. Jesus defense better not start shitting the bed when the offense starts picking up. Ugh.
  24. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Right it was The Rookie Sam or even Armstrong maybe. But not Tank. He better than that. I’m sure he’ll make a play soon though.
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