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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    How is Law so fucking stupid? He bit wayyy too hard on the fake hand off and fields set it up so he had the leverage and angle. This is literally the only way this is a game. Stop the running QB. It’s not that hard.
  2. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    They’re going to “eagle” us to death. Lots of screens and misdirections. Lots of Fields running for first downs. Just gotta keep him contained.
  3. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    This potentially has the makings of one of those late NFC east games from last season that turned into 40/50+ games where they doubled up Washington or Philly.
  4. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    BTW that okay design was perfect. Literally moved lamb to get him matched up on a safety. This ain’t Kellen Moore is it?
  5. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Great read and throw Dak!
  6. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    2nd and 9 run. Kill me.
  7. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    We may be seeing confident Dak again. Destroying blitzing. Nice to see.
  8. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Good stop. But still got a lot of yards on that 3rd down(I know unrealistic to never give up yards lol) . Tighten it up d. Now go score again Offense.
  9. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Damn an OPI Against someone else. But they play is what worries me a little. They can’t miss on Fields. It’ll give up a bit play. Need to get home and don’t let him run away.
  10. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Right…one of the only ones we’ve seen this year. Normally they don’t execute those type plays.
  11. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Ferguson was falling down. Wish Dak had the legs to take off. He obviously missed on the deeper Throw. And then he runs in for an old school Dak like TD. More of that please. He used to be unstoppable running down there. Needs to get more like that again.
  12. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Like Gallup being a focus early. Get him in the game. I know right. Soon as I said it they do a dumb misdirecting run outside. Pollard gives no fucks though.
  13. Drew

    Cowboys V Bears

    Nice starting drive. Until the 2nd down. Slow developing outside run play. Cowboys do NOT do that well at all.
  14. NFC east about to go to 3-0 in the early slate? Jesus.
  15. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    All of this. Even when rush was in there was some bad playmaking decisions. Running when they should pass. And the reverse. And yeah Dak wasn’t the sharpest…course he wasn’t. But when drives stalled it was more about the penalties and bad execution or play calling. BTW anyone seeing the NFC east? They might go 3-0 in the early slated. Could be solid wins too.
  16. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    And as usual the Landry shift is still the most beautiful play in football.
  17. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Parsons won’t have a single sack yet completely blew up 3 of the last 5 plays.
  18. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Why was 93 for Detroit waiting on Dak there? He ain’t going to keep that. Lmfao.
  19. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    We just can not execute reverses at all. Every other team can kill is with it snd we simply can’t run them. Also why run that? They already decided to settle for a FG. Until pollard almost breaks one.
  20. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    This defense when they’re given a big lead is impossible to go against. Not sure why every team just doesn’t run and run and run on them all day. With some quick screen and slant passes.
  21. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Offense actually looks competent when they don’t do stupid things and the play calls aren’t trash.
  22. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    We’ve been saying there are times this defense can be had. Even today we’ve seen it. But they’ve held firm overall.
  23. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    He’s definitely not comfortable yet. That’s for sure. Hope it settles down the rest of the game and next week.
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