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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    First and 15 run….up the middle to boot. Just scared play calling. They moved the ball passing that last drive. Jesus.
  2. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    I mean it’s silly. They really should make it touch football for the QB when those are penalties.
  3. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Nice parsons…show up super fucking late and then rough the passer. This defense being exposed this week and last week.
  4. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    And they will not call holding again huh? Obvious hold on that outside run. And then very little pressure in a quick passing situation. Not looking good.
  5. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Just silly play calling. And then the forced time out BS. Jesus you had a good drive and then that. This is why no one takes the cowboys seriously. Taking the FG is the “smart” choice. But man you need TDs. This offense has to get out of its funk. And if you were going FG here then why the Fuck did you run on 3rd and 2 into the teeth of the defense with pollard? You run an outside run with Zeke and an inside run with Pollard? Like WTF?!? As I’ve been saying for weeks. The play calling snd coaching is the biggest issue here.
  6. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    And here come the penalties. Hope it doesn’t prevent a score. Didn’t prevent a first in that one. Facts. Just need to get him to do both.
  7. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Hey our WRs can adjust. Dak puts it in a spot. Lamb makes a great catch.
  8. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    That was a good throw. And Shultz hurt again. Just a flukey play for him. Poor guy. Yep at first I was like “is that a horse collar” but no where close to that. Just unlucky.
  9. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Nah Dallas will win. It’ll just be close for the most part and might be tougher than most thought coming in. If they don’t, then it as huge issue.
  10. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    They’re literally just down blocking snd throwing screens right now. Won’t work all game. But is now. Hood stop by Diggs.
  11. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Could have stopped him well short of the sticks and didn’t on 2nd down. Offense just gotta produce. The play calling sucks. Simple as that.
  12. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    3rd and 1 and run outside with Zeke not pollard? Even if they blitz the gaps he gets close to a first down. Or just sneak the QB. Absolutely stupid play calling early. Just stupid.
  13. Drew

    Dallas v Detroit

    Not a great start. The first down pass was a little high but very catchable. The 2nd down run was the most infuriating thing. Defense held for a quick punt.
  14. Drew


    It’s like watching cowboys games where the other teams OL never even gets an Holding call against them. Unless it’s wiped out/declined or doesn’t affect the game.
  15. Wide open. Over throw. Even with the foot slip. Jesus.
  16. Just one guy needed to stay home and he doesn’t run for the first. This game is over. Unless they figure out the offense on the next drive they have no chance. Defense did all it could.
  17. Even bad Casey wasn’t like this that can recall.
  18. Okay yes I know Ewers is your guy. But you gotta talk to him saying he just doesn’t have it today and sit him for the game.
  19. That was almost a clustefuck of a first down.
  20. Yeah at some point even the biased announcers gotta say “hey somethings weird here”
  21. So these refs just won’t call a penalty against them? At least they didn’t call that a catch.
  22. Oh they absolutely going to overturn this. If the view was clearer it did touch the ground I’d be more confident.
  23. Add in a QB with the yips and not being able to block the run anymore…
  24. Yeah I know people are saying run it but they are literally waiting for it. And Ewers can’t throw for some reason. Need to make a change.
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