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Everything posted by Hmbre97

  1. "Oh, I think I see it up ahead on the left. Oh wait, nevermind. That's just a Kroger"
  2. We have a TexAgs in the back; a SurlyHorns and a TexAgs. TexAgs would be good for you.
  3. To be a fly on the wall when MAGAs see Jenner on FOX news
  4. We took my son to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live in San Antonio like 2015'ish and Biz was there. They were pulling a bunch of kids out of the audience to go onstage and do beats with Biz. We had an aisle seat so when they walked by picking kids, they tried to get my then 4 yr old to go up but he started getting upset and didn't want to. I almost asked if I could take his place.
  5. Same actor is playing Kang in the new Antman movie so yeah, it's at least a version. He even said he's gone by many names, one of which was 'conquerer'.
  6. The problem is that while it may not affect us now, these idiots are breeding grounds for more variants which then WILL affect us if our current vaccines are ineffective against them. So yes, for now they are only mostly killing themselves but that may not always be the case.
  7. Sadly, Texas would just be another Louisiana or Mississippi if not for oil.
  8. I should also add I spent my youth all over the Neches and other rivers in southeast Texas as a kid so I've had first hand experience with moccasins not chasing but actively moving toward us. Most snakes either stay still or fuck off if you get around them but not those bastards. I remember distinctly watching one leave a bank and swim toward our boat to try and get on it, having to smack it with a paddle to get it to leave.
  9. Not so much chasing but that they're not that aggressive. I should have clarified that.
  10. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/GlamorousBadSageBrainSlug-xOsybPGqGMS_h6Bh I dunno, this one could have easily just went back in the brush. I can't find the other streamers clip but it was a moccasin and he beat the fuck out of it when it came at them.
  11. Assuming your son is around the same age, what kind of job does he have? If he's not yet 16, what kind of job is he looking to get once he does?
  12. I think the first step is for certain people to acknowledge that it's a problem to begin with. There are certain people including some posters in this thread that see zero issues with the current state of affairs because they were able to find success :cough:flattiefatty:cough:. The problem is if anyone starts to suggest solutions to the issues, all the conservatives (including the poors) start screaming socialism so nothing can or will ever get done.
  13. Clearly the answer is all of our food service and other entry level workers will move to Waco because that makes total sense driving 1.5 hrs with added transporation/fuel costs for low wage jobs . Either that or as one poster suggested they all board together in high rent apartments with multiple roommates; the American Dream! COL has been outpacing wages for years and now we just had a disruption event that raised housing 20% YOY on average (50% in our area specifically) so now people will be paying even higher rents on the same low pay and have even less disposible income to keep our service-based economy propped up. Oh yeah, these low income workers just need to better themselves by enrolling in college courses which are as expensive as ever and they will definitely be able to afford to reduce their income to part time in order to have time to attend classes.
  14. Does eating a sackful at 10pm from the Krystal across the street from the Escambia County Jail belong in this thread or no?
  15. Took my boys to Pensacola for a few days. I have a feeling Port A/PINS is forever ruined for them, lol. Went out to Fort Pickens to go fishing and got to see the Blue Angels practicing. My kids weren't interested but I was geeking out hard-core. They were in the air for an hour or so and kept buzzing right over us.
  16. They're right. I'm in the rat race right now trying to rent a townhouse/sfh. Looked at one a couple days ago that some out of state investor bought, then turned around and listed it with a mgmt company. They hadn't cleaned shit in it. The refrigerator had shit all spilled in the bottom of it, bathrooms still had old toiletries laying around and were dirty. The whole house needed a repaint on the inside as you could tell the previous owners had beds pushed up against the walls with no headboards and there were giant gray/black grease stains along with other issues. Reality is if my realtor were to ask to have those issues addressed, they'd just move on to another applicant who would do it themselves.
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