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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Pato del Muerto

  1. What are the assumed maintenance and repair costs for these solar systems?  How long do the cells last?

    lets at least give lip service to this issue, rather than just say it’s initial cost is this, and lookie here the energy savings is more!

    oh, but consumers are too stupid to understand such nuances  right, gil?

  2. 40 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    The Cowboys will probably be pretty disappointed when Connor starts jumping over defensive linemen.

    They plan on playing him at h back and goal line tailback. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Sejjr said:

    While I agree that Beck had a garbage situation at O-Line, it is absolutely fair to judge the idiotic WR personnel packages and dumbfounding play calls. This will be the make or break season for Beck, with zero margin for error. We will likely have an improved OL, 3 obvious WR starters, some TE options, and now a mature option as a pass catching, non-fumbling RB in Watson to add good depth at a minimum. Either impress us, Beck, or hit the bricks. 

    I think you accidentally forgot about qb

  4. 15 hours ago, chainsaw said:

    I'm pretty sure he meant in the dating world.  I guess it applies in a different way to committed relationships in a "if the guy doesn't wash the dishes maybe she won't be in the mood" kind of way.  It's hard to disagree that sex doesn't motivate people, and that it can be and is used as an incentive to get people to do what you want.

    In the dating world what I believe hayden_horn was saying is that when a guy decides to buy a woman a drink he's making an "investment" of sorts, and that it is understandable for a guy to feel like he was conned if he makes that "investment" and the woman does not even let him talk to her.  My response to that is pretty much what you said.  It's more of a gamble than a transaction.  Just as all "investments" are.

    I think most men understand that, or at least they should understand that.  A gift is a gift, with the hopes of it leading to a conversation.

    I think most women also understand that if they accept a drink the polite thing to do is at least give the guy a chance to talk, so that he does not feel like he was being conned (even though there's no guarantee that a drink will even lead to a conversation).  That would also mean that the polite thing to do is to decline any drinks that are offered by men who have zero chance with you, since accepting the drink would basically require you to talk to a guy who has no chance (wasting everyone's time) or to make him feel conned.  

    The other side of that same coin, if you're an obese neckbearded basementdweller with b.o. and you should know that you have no chance with an attractive woman across the room, the polite thing to do is not even attempt to buy the woman a drink, which would put her in a very awkward position of having to decline the drink.  I would think that 99% of people understand more or less what their "league" is, at least when they're sober they understand, and most drink-for-conversation "transactions" are somewhat plausible dating arrangements.

    Honestly I think the real problem is that men are not properly trained in handling rejection.  They grew up on movies with impossible odds being overcome and the geek, dweeb, fatass "gets the girl," often through persistence (which in the real world is stalking and is terrifying).  I can't think of a single example of a popular movie or TV show where the main character has strong feelings for a woman, gets rejected, and he handles it in a mature way.  Sometimes the guy doesn't get the girl, but 10 seconds later he ends up with someone much hotter (500 days of summer is one example, although JGL is hardly unattractive).

    So we have a lot of guys who grew up on porn and romantic comedies but who are not themselves getting any of the affection or sex that they are being told they need to have in order to be complete people.  Meanwhile I'm pretty sure anyone who is in their lives is saying that they need to hit the gym and get jobs and get their shit together, and that's all true.  They don't want to hear it, but it's true.

    So instead of listening to the good advice, they go online and hear what they want to hear, which is that women are the problem and that we should go back to the "good" old days when women were property and lacked any power to control their own lives (or bodies).  I think it starts out very innocent, with stuff about how women can be really shallow that's easy for anyone to identify with.  It's true that SOME women are really shallow and shitty to other people.  Nobody can disagree with that.

    Pretty soon what applies to SOME women is generalized and then "ALL women" are parasites who bleed men's wallets dry.  ALL women forgot how to cook and clean.  ALL women want to fuck as many hot guys as possible.  ALL women are "feminazis" who love having abortions.

    Then the next logical step is to empathize with the chump who shot up students at Santa Barbara, to ignore or even promote domestic violence, and to consider yourself part of this "movement."

    This is all because it's easier to go online and find people who will tell you what you want to hear instead of accepting what you needed to hear in the first place.

    What I don't understand is that some of these people aren't even obese guys without jobs.  They're regular guys.  Maybe not even virgins.  I have no idea what their deal is.  

    What I do know is that a lot of this could have been prevented if somebody had explained to them how to manage rejection.  Women seem to be rejected all the time and you never see them radicalized.

    Succinctly put, and also right to the point. 

  5. 23 hours ago, EZ$ said:

    Our pitching is brutal, our situational hitting is even worse and Jake McKenzie is our starting 1st Baseman....yet somehow we are talking about possibly hosting a regional. Crazy. 

    This is proof that pierce sucks and proof he is great. 

  6. They throw out our record vs sec teams, which at 1-5 is not good. But all 6 were road games, and not all weekend games. That does skew things a little. 

    Of their list of big 12 vs sec games, I think most of those games were at the sec team. 

    Lastly, I agree with them that we’d not hold up as well in the sec as we have in the big 12, but I bet we’d be similar to their conference record so they shouldn’t be outraged when we are ranked similarly, or for the time being slightly higher. 

    Also, is that correct that ole miss is 13-11 in conference and a top ten team?

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