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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Gil Bang

  1. 3 hours ago, Speedtrucker said:

    If to me, no. Never read any Bosch books.

    I'm assuming it involves him in China?

    First off, I'm an idiot.  It's "9 Dragons". 

    In the book, Eleanor takes a  job as a professional poker player at a casino in Hong Kong and meets hooks up with the Chinese dude.    Maddie gets kidnapped, and Harry goes to Hong Kong to find her.


  2. 16 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    So, for cabin depressurization at 32k feet, there's about a 10psi differential between inside and outside.  I guess there's also a venturi effect with a smallish orifice.  But the differential would also seem to equalize very rapidly.  What's the mechanism here?

    I see that the real potential for injury is lung damage from the inability of the lungs to vent.

    Online sources seem to indicate that getting sucked out is a myth.

    Your mom had a smallish orifice.




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  3. 14 minutes ago, woohorn said:

    Don't people say that oxygen masks don't do any good anyhow because there is only seconds of oxygen for the whole plane?

    Woo:  I believe that in a depressurization event, you can survive for about 20 seconds before you need supplemental oxygen. 


    I thought that there was a bottle of 02 above every seat?  Didn't one fall out of the ceiling of an  AA 777 the other day and bonk a kid on the noggin?

  4. 1 hour ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:



    Now it's all online retailers, not just Amazon?


    I just went to www.trumpstore.com and went through the process of buying a golf shirt.  There were no CA taxes charged at checkout.  I didn't go through with the purchase, of course, I just wanted to see if taxes are charged. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    McConnell is going to have a special fucking place in the history books.  He's a flat-out evil motherfucker who has betrayed his country in the name of transitory political power.  When he is dead and buried, I may make a special trip just to piss on his grave.


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  6. 50 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    That's it.  Anyone with a modicum of training can take off, fly, and land a fully-functioning plane in bluebird weather.

    That ain't what I want to pay my pilot for.  I want the SOB with icewater in his (or her) veins, who can make split-second decisions in a crisis, keep their cool the whole time, do complex math in their head while flying the plane so as to evaluate alternatives, and knows how to fly anything from a busted cropduster to a state-of-the-art Boeing.  In short, give me someone with military training, in most cases.

    Give me this gal.  Give me Sully.  Give me the pilot of United 232 in Sioux City.


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  7. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    That's it.  Anyone with a modicum of training can take off, fly, and land a fully-functioning plane in bluebird weather.

    That ain't what I want to pay my pilot for.  I want the SOB with icewater in his (or her) veins, who can make split-second decisions in a crisis, keep their cool the whole time, do complex math in their head while flying the plane so as to evaluate alternatives, and knows how to fly anything from a busted cropduster to a state-of-the-art Boeing.  In short, give me someone with military training, in most cases.

    Give me this gal.  Give me Sully.  Give me the pilot of United 232 in Sioux City.

    SIAP:  This woman had been a FA-18 pilot and instructor in the USN

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  8. On 4/15/2018 at 3:51 PM, RayDog said:

    I watched the live stream from Georgetown on facebook. If you have any interest in this race do yourself a favor and watch him live.

    If nothing else he passes the I want to have a beer with that guy test.

    But the other  guy passes the "I want to punch him right in the fucking face" test with flying colors. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    I would say it depends.  There have been plenty of people that have railed against the raid.  You are purely speculating that Hannity had anything personal tied up in the raid.  If we take Hannity at his word that he and cohen had a few calls over the years about real estate stuff and there were never any bills or payments or anything else then how would Hannity be "tied" up in the raid other than his name was on Cohen's client list?

    Do you agree that Hannity railing on the radio had exactly zero impact on any of the legal proceedings?  What do you think the reaction would have been on this board and the general media if Hannity had said something like "I have known Cohen for years and have used him as an attorney a few times"?  The reaction would be exactly like it is today.  

    Like I said, IF Hannity is hiding something nefarious then he deserves scorn and ridicule and it would be the height of hypocrisy.  I think hypocrisy is about the worst trait a person can have.  I loathe it.  Hannity does not have any bearing on my life in any way as I do not listen or watch him.  If he is a hypocrite then fry his ass.  I do not see it here.

    Disclosing it would have been the right thing to do.  Who gives a fuck about the reaction?  There's a right and a wrong here.  Hannity did it wrong.  No reputable  journalist or editor, or publisher would say otherwise. 

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