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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. Well that number came randomly to me even though I know he is 26 so I feel the stars are aligning. MVP Mancini. Show me a loss. So I guess Chas is the regular CF now? Surely we aren’t starting Dubon in the ALCS.
  2. It’s like betting on black for 26 rolls on the wheel and you lose everytime but you keep betting it because you know it’s gonna hit any roll now…
  3. Today is the day Mancini breaks out. He’s more over due than Jerry Seinfeld’s library book.
  4. I can’t watch this shit. Cmon Montero! Let’s get an out! Fuck yes!
  5. I swear a backup QB and a middle/setup guy are the best contracts in sports. You won’t make the front pages most days or hall of fame most likely, but the pay is good and the work is low.
  6. That was a tough pitch for third strike. Hope that doesn’t send Jake into a spiral. His demeanor has been better since he came back
  7. I swear a couple years ago I thought Altuves arm was gone. Everything was a lob or barely made it to first. This year seems he is throwing much stronger. But maybe that’s just me.
  8. Verlander better watch that jumping and sprinting out to the mound. He’s gonna hurt that leg again. No more walk offs guys.
  9. Through the heart! And fuck Service in his punchable face!
  10. I fucking missed it!! Damnit! I was getting my chicken off the grill 😂 Holy Shit!!!
  11. Fucking hell! Stop trying so hard Mancini! The worst thing he ever did was hit those home runs when he got here. Thinks he has to do it every time. He’s gone straight to hell. I don’t think you can be this bad on purpose if you tried.
  12. Damn we are about 6 feet of elevation on both of Yordans hits off the wall from being tied. But we are a bing and a bang away now.
  13. No matter how this series turns out, fuck the wild card, fuck layoffs and fuck having to beat a team you played 19 damn times and beat handily and finished 16 games out of first. In no arena should that team be in the playoffs. And I know it could be us someday but I’ll say the same thing. Talk about making the regular season irrelevant. Baseball was better when it was division winners only. 162 games tells you who the best teams are and who should be in the playoffs.
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