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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. Dusty likes injury substitutions because they bat in the same place in the order.
  2. Everybody agree to wear the same uniforms again? I can do without that deja vu.
  3. Would have been nice to pick up another game on the Yankees. Oh well. Win the next three. To win 100 you have to lose 62. Play again tomorrow.
  4. WTF. Dude was gas can last night so let’s do it again.
  5. I believe Urquidy would have gotten the next guy. We’ll never know.
  6. Bregmans wife should have had twins to make sure this hot streak lasts through the playoffs. We’re gonna need some more kids for him to hit for.
  7. Bregman has a couple more kids and Astros will never lose another game.
  8. What is up with Gilbert being carted off the field for a right forearm contusion? I’m gonna need a little more info on that.
  9. I put this exact thing on Twitter and I was surprised how many disagreed. What are they watching? Hell platoon Jake against righthanders if you want. But Diaz in left, Chas CF and Mancini 1B is our best lineup. Yuli has zero power now but still good defensively and has found a way to get some hits so bring him and Jake in as defensive replacements late when we have the lead. Jake Marisnick I mean. 😝
  10. You could have never talked me in to betting or believing that Lance would pitch 6 innings tonight much less shut out innings. If that Lance is here the rest of the year holy shit.
  11. Cesar Cedeno was my first favorite player in any sport. I’m not even sure I knew a lot about baseball yet but I think I just liked the way his name sounded. Was a lot fewer Latin names in those days
  12. But that wasn’t bitching ☝️ Just found the comment humorous.
  13. TK: “What Chas has done against left hand pitching can’t be overlooked” oh it can…and has.
  14. Altuve gonna Altuve on the bases lol wtf
  15. I know it’s fun to bitch and complain about stuff in here and we do it well. The average age of Yordan, Pena, Bregman, Tucker, Framber, Garcia, Urquidy, Javier and McCullers is 26 with none older than 28. You could add Meyers and McCormick and it wouldn’t change but neither may be here next year. Probably will lose a pitcher in the winter but replace with Brown most likely. That is a young core on the mound and diamond. Get Tuck signed, free agent bat or two, couple farmhands pan out and the Astros, (and Surly posters) aren’t goin anywhere. Sorry Surly forum. Sorry baseball. #Levelup
  16. Tal talking about the 1980 team talked it into existence.
  17. Vazquez hasn’t gotten the big hit for us yet but that throw out and moving Pena to third were huge in this game.
  18. My story isnt nearly as heart warming but I got fed up and quit watching the other night before Diaz grand slam and just few minutes ago during Altuves at bat and missed Tucks slam. Piss me off again Astros!
  19. I think managers have very little to do with outcome as they are basically babysitters these days and just there to make sure people show up. The best teams lose 50 games and the worst teams win 50 games so everyone is 50-50 by default. There are 62 games that decide your season. Making lineups is the major job of a manager now as the DH and pitch count have eliminated most of the decisions of managers back in the day. Starter gets close to 100 pitches he comes out. No need to pinch hit or double switch because we have DH and position players are rarely pinch hit for these days, the Maldonados of the world notwithstanding. So both things can be true that managers have little influence on the game but the one influence they have left is lineup construction. So if we bitch about a lineup mid season it’s because that’s really the only major job they have left besides late relief. But I do believe pitching, hitting, catching decides games and it always baffles me when a team sucks and makes a manager change and they win 10 in a row. That’s a clubhouse dynamic not field dynamic. And I think Dusty wins every clubhouse he’s in.
  20. Hell if we’re gonna let players play for nostalgic reasons, let’s put Baggy at first and Jose Cruz in the outfield.
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