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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. Vazquez either has the personality of a wet sock or he still isn’t happy to be traded here. He needs to shake it off. Mentioned going back to Boston this winter. Fine bitch, how about take a ring with you though.
  2. Not a lot of rumors or tweets concerning Astros. Even yesterday everything was pretty tight lipped until deals were done.
  3. Happ and Reynolds probably only guys that make some sense. Both would be expensive but would also fix OF for next year if you like them. We have bullets to make a deal but I’m not sure what’s left available that moves the needle.
  4. Will Smith deal still not official…
  5. That game was a buzz kill after the afternoon. Hit me again Click.
  6. Astros GM James Click: “We’re not done by any means.” per Mark Berman twitter
  7. Nightingale just tweeted that mid season ratings had Valdez 12 and Abreu 21 in system.
  8. I’m perfectly happy with what we’ve spent and what we’ve gotten in return. Shored up couple positions and our powder is still dry to even make another move or this off-season. Now if we could trade these pajama uniforms for a box of balls and some sunflower seeds the day would be a success
  9. They were our 28th and 29th rated prospects according to the tweet I saw
  10. Emmanuel Valdez and Wilyer Abreu to Red Sox for Vazquez
  11. If Rays were just going to DFA Brett Phillips they should have just thrown him in the deal to the Astros.
  12. Orioles put up a nice little video for him on Twitter and everything others have said about him sounds like a good guy and a good fit. I hope he kicks ass
  13. And then the Red Sox trade FOR a catcher from the White Sox. Oh yeah Vazquez gonna be fired up like a woman scorned
  14. Maybe he’s pissed and takes it out on the Red Sox next three days
  15. Lol I’m not sure how I would feel or most feel about being traded but Vazquez didn’t look or sound that happy when he was told. Playoff checks should ease the shock.
  16. Passan saying Vazquez deal about done. Will be trading clubhouses Done.
  17. Rays are DFA’ing Brett Phillips to make room on roster for Siri. Wow. I remember when Phillips was highly thought of
  18. Mancini was my first choice before Baltimore started winning and I didn’t think they would move him then I switched to Bell. But hell. Why not both?
  19. Baltimore moved their left field wall back and raised it this year. It obviously had a big affect on his numbers. The Crawford boxes will look like he can reach out and touch them. And I think he will. Over and over.
  20. I wish Astros would do something today because I’m off. I have a feeling all hell Is going to break loose tomorrow and I’m going to be working. Or be at work at least.
  21. And I’m not a big Sabermetics guy. Not that I don’t believe in them, I just don’t want to take the time to learn and understand what all those alphabets mean. I leave that to y’all and take y’all’s word for it. 🤘🏻
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