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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. Ok tomorrow can we at least let Mancini DH? I think Yordan needs a couple days off. I’m really surprised he has played so much since his hand injury honestly.
  2. Three of the hats look fitted while the Texas hat looks like SnapBack which is why would need to make sure it fits for the pictures
  3. If we have a Jake on our roster as a pinch runner/defensive replacement I personally would rather have Marisnick over Meyers. He actually has better stats at the plate and still makes the highlight catches without looking like he’s going to break a clavicle. He’s still a plus defensive outfielder. Marisnick was in a walking boot until a few days ago so not sure what timetable there might be for him signing with someone but it doesn’t really matter because the chances are less than zero that the Astros even consider it.
  4. I hope he does. But he could also go down and play everyday, especially with Leon out, if at bats are what he needs.
  5. And then he’s not in the lineup tonight lol Playing through it on the bench again. They have no plan. Lineups drawn from a hat.
  6. What Click was really saying about Meyers is that he didn’t get another outfielder and we’re fucked and have no other choice but to let him play through it. Kyle Lewis is a former ROY who got hurt and has come back and not hit well and the Mariners sent him down today. Which is the right move but they have alternatives. Meyers has never shown anything besides maybe being average but he’s the only option so we hope and pray that he can approach anything close to average by October. I’m rooting for him but that doesn’t mean it’s good that he’s our only option. If he doesn’t get close to average then it’s a fail on Clicks part and we can hope we don’t waste our great pitching. I watch a lot of games and baseball my whole life and for the life of me I don’t see what a lot of y’all see in Meyers and why anyone would want to put eggs in that basket. But I hope he’s a fucking World Series MVP I really do.
  7. Now their just piling on Meyers. What bullshit. Guy can’t catch a break.
  8. Old Rake Farm > new Rake Farm Batting is a wash and he’s still a better defender. Actually his batting is better than new Jake. Same role he had last time. I wouldn’t hate it.
  9. I know what y’all are saying. That’s assuming the centerfielder calls the ball. I played CF I know how it’s supposed to work. Same way infielder is supposed to give way to the OF if they call it. I’m sure Diaz knows how it works. He isn’t a rookie. I wouldn’t assume just because the CF is supposed to get the ball that he called the other guy off. Maybe he did and Diaz is just a dumbass and Yordan didn’t call off Pena. Whatever the case, we can hope that they have been working on communication out there before we lose a bat we can’t afford to lose.
  10. I just hope Meyers doesn’t put Yordan on the DL.
  11. In my never ending fantasy baseball approach to real life realized this morning that Michael Conforto is out there available to sign for nothing since the draft is done. Has played all 3 OF positions. Probably strikes out too much for Astros liking but an experienced outfielder. Don’t know what his physical status is as I haven’t heard a thing about him lately.
  12. Cmon Jake. You getting four strikes too. Atta boy! Good for him
  13. They should give Leon the same 50 game audition that Meyers got last year before the playoffs. Or just call McCormick the center fielder and be done with it but either way Meyers needs to go get healthy or go find his mojo in Sugarland. He’s digging a confidence hole here.
  14. Great job by Mancini on that DP. He already knows if we score double digits we are done for the weekend. Two run bomb would not work. Sacrificing his stats for the team. Leader.
  15. Sentiment around the Twitter sphere blue checks is someone will pick up Bradley as a defensive replacement 4th or 5th OF on a contender since he only costs league minimum. Thoughts? We did the same with Marisnick few years ago taking Brantley out. I have not followed other teams enough to know if Bradley can still play defense. He obviously doesn’t have much at the plate.
  16. I wrote something almost exactly like this but didn’t post it during the game. For that reason, I think this is a brilliant thought. 😊 Seriously, I think there is something to it. I don’t think Maldy will ever be less than 50/50 split and if Mancini and Yuli split time at first it will become evident to all who should be starting. Easing the guys into the lineup and the locker room probably isn’t a bad way to approach it. And Mancini has said all the right things about fitting in.
  17. How did we ever lose a JV start? Like to see him get 20 wins
  18. I just can’t get used to that Cleveland name and uniform. Looks like the opposing team in a Kevin Costner baseball movie.
  19. Cmon Yuli. Make my post look dumb. I’ll take the beating.
  20. Yuli is “hot” in average I guess but if you have watched every game it hasn’t been like he’s hammering the ball. Dinks to right field and ground balls to the right of second base. No power. Has not hit a home run in over a month. If he is still going to play at first then the trades were a fail. Mancini should be everyday first base. This blinding loyalty to Yuli is crazy. He means a lot to the team and clubhouse but he needs to be the occasional starter not everyday. We will see how it works out.
  21. Dusty must have watched The Natural a bunch of times and treats the new guys like old Pops. “I ain’t gonna play him. Never.” I can understand Maldy with Verlander but don’t understand Mancini not being in the lineup. Maybe I just like shiny new toys.
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