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Posts posted by Goredho

  1. 7 hours ago, BeardIP said:

    38 assasinations this election cycle (country-wide), which was a record. To be fair, it was a record election season, but still. 38. THIRTY EIGHT potential political candidates assasinated.

    I might be cynical, but you'd have to be born yesterday to not suspect that the candidates who were allowed to survive weren't in the pocket of the cartels SOMEHOW. And given this senora was handpicked by AMLO as his successor...it seems like "meet the new boss, same as the old boss....but in a dress".

    Edit to add report of #37 I saw. I guess #38 came after sometime or the 38 number I read was wrong by 1?


    Son sólo otras 38 cabezas en la pila.

  2. @immamac is not wrong.  Trump isn’t finished yet, and even if this conviction proves to be his downfall with voters, it would be a huge mistake to take that as enthusiastic support for Biden and everything he’s been doing.  Both parties are very disconnected from the average voter, and a huge swath of the population is >< close to voting for Adolf Shitler just to see something, anything, change in the seemingly oblivious leadership of the country.  If the Dems ignore that, we’ll continue this dance with democratic death for the foreseeable future.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    This is rhetorical, but has anyone on team R said anything like “I will not support someone convicted of 34 felonies for President of the United States.”? They don’t have to even endorse Biden. Just say that a convicted felon probably shouldn’t be the leader of the free world.

    I think those people have resigned, not sought re-election or have been primaried.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Satchel said:

    When I was an undergraduate, I was friends with the student legal counsel. He told me a most interesting story that occurred while he was in law school at Ole Miss. It was doing the time that integration was roiling most of the South, that he decided to walk over and observe a campus protest against integration. As a self described liberal, he wanted to see for himself why these segregationists could be so hateful. As the crowd grew, so did the anger, which he called palpable. Then, suddenly, he said he went into some  kind of a trance and found himself red faced, yelling obscenities and racial slurs with the crowd that surrounded him. He called it an out of body experience that he didn’t understand. He left the event confused and ashamed.

    I think about his experience sometimes when trying to make sense of how we can so easily lose our sense of self.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I have a $1000 push fund set aside for massive quantities of champagne. I will be setting up on whatever street is nearest to me and handing out celebratory glasses to all. And any MAGAts who drive by and are offended by my celebration? I’ll chug a glass while flipping them off shouting “he’s fucking dead, you’re a fucking loser, and both of those things last for eternity!” Then I’ll chug another glass, fart loudly for effect, and launch another $500 worth of fireworks because America and freedom and winning and shit.

    Or — and hear me out — you could set up a Donald J Trump memorial lemonade stand serving up steaming hot piss for those in mourning.  It’s more ledgy.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Also…yesterday was a dry-run of my nightmare scenario: big Trump news, and I was in full-on hearing prep, no real time to do anything but work. I didn’t get to celebrate, or gloat, or even watch coverage.

    I live in fear that the day he dies, I’ll be in trial or something and won’t be able to run out in the street and chug champagne with my fellow patriots.

    Dude, when Trump dies, you are going to spontaneously combust.  I wouldn’t worry about it 😜

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    • Haha 7
  7. 1 hour ago, Snake Diggity said:

    The earliest possible solution to the Trump problem is if he loses this fall, but far more likely not until he dies, which could be a decade or more away.

    I think there is a non-insignificant chance that the next President, regardless of whether its Biden or Trump, is assassinated in 2025.

  8. I took the experience from 3 summer gigs and got my acoustic Muzak/ambient pedalboard done.  4 pedals right to left:

    1. Fishman acousticomp compressor:  Just to even things out a bit.

    2. Nux Optima Air:  preamp and impulse responses.  Have just messed with the stock IRs but they go a long way to improving the acoustic sound from a piezo.  The preamp feels optional almost.

    3. Source Audio Collider: Delay and/or reverb.  Fantastic sound quality for both.

    4. Pigtronix Infinity 3: looper I've owned for awhile discussed in previous posts.

    Played on it for a couple hours last night and it all sounds and works great.  I may get another collider for my main board.  Makes me wish I had a stereo PA for live perfs.  I plugged it all in to my studio monitors and it sounded amazing.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. If alien intelligence visited this thread, it would be a first.  Both of aliens visiting an internet forum, and of intelligence being exhibited in this thread.  The most astonishing realization I've had from what has been surfaced in this thread is that the anti-guvment conspiracy theory market was severely underserved by Art Bell, Alex Jones, etc...

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  10. Related to my post above, one of the cool things you can do with these advanced loopers is to put it at the end of a post-preamp effect loop.   Whatever is looping has already gone through any front-of-signal-chain pedals, to the preamp, through any other pedals in your fx loop and whatever that all adds to the signal is in the loop going straight to the power amp.  That means you can change anything in front of the looper to change the signal you are now playing and not effect what you recorded in the loop(s).  So you can do cool things like:

    • Loop a clean guitar signal playing a chord progression
    • Engage a bass9 pedal or octave pitch detune and overdub a bass line onto your loop
    • Disengage the bass9/octave pitch detune and engage some ambient effects and overdub some pad type sounds onto your loop
    • Disengage the ambient effects and engage an overdrive to play a soaring lead over the backing track that you just made on the fly

    The clipping indicator helps in the above, so you know when you may be exhausting the headroom on your loop with overdubs.  Combine that with a beat buddy pedal synched to your looper with midi, and you can pretty easily emulate a trio or quartet.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Obtaining truth is difficult unless you’re a voracious reader. It’s never been easier to access information THAT YOU WANT. 

    This is 100% true, and the people who I put the least faith in are those that believe that the information they want is the only shred of truth in a sea of bullshit.

  12. 7 minutes ago, lucious leftfoot said:

    Most of these people don't want to go back to before civil rights or gay marriage. That's bs. 

    Maybe they just prefer the country how it was in the recent past. Progressives are very open about wanting to change and make drastic change to this country.  And they dominate the administrative state. 

    Maybe they've seen a senile, frail man as President and realize he's not even running things. So who is? No one that's been elected. There is a massive deep state/adminstrative state/bureaucracy that essentially runs public policy and anyone on the Right that pays any attention has to realize they have almost representation in that. 

    I think the CR crew should really think about that last point.  Imagine if the right controlled 90% of the bureaucracy and used it to push around the other side at all levels? Would you be surprised if people became apathetic, or worse, towards that system?


    Shit, look how y'all act towards the Supreme Court? And that's only a 6-3 split, not 90-10.

    Anyway, my time is almost past. I won’t be able to respond, but be assured that all your arguments are worthless and weak.

    Vaya con Dios, CR. 



    You can speak for yourself, but you can't speak for the people I know and that you don't.

    Vaya con Satán, dipshit.

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