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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. The GOP has not moved its position on abortion. It's always been against Roe.
  2. Science says you are no longer alive once you lack a heartbeat and brain activity. Seems like the presence of both, ergo, means your life has begun.
  3. Except that "or any state" part
  4. "Birthing person" is the correct nomenclature.
  5. Sounds like a very slippery slope.
  6. The public lack of knowledge about Roe — and its conflict with actual public opinion on abortion — was captured well by a Fox News poll last September, which found that 65 percent of Americans said they oppose reversing Roe. But, absurdly, the same survey found that respondents were perfectly split on whether abortion should be legal, tied at 49 percent. A substantial number of Americans, in other words, both want abortion to be illegal and want to preserve jurisprudence making it essentially impossible to prohibit abortion. This outcome was possible only because a sizable percentage of the population doesn’t know that abortion can’t be regulated at all until Roe is gone. Meanwhile, polls that ask Americans for their views on specific abortion policies tend to find that most Americans disagree with the status quo created by the Court in Roe and Doe v. Bolton and bolstered in Casey — namely, that abortion must be legal across all 50 states, for nearly any reason, and at nearly any time in pregnancy. For instance, a Gallup poll from a few years back found that only 28 percent of Americans favor allowing abortion in the second trimester, and only 13 percent of Americans favor allowing it in the last three months of pregnancy — compared to 60 percent who would allow it in the first trimester. Polling from Marist likewise suggests that most Americans tend not to support elective abortion later in pregnancy. A January 2022 survey from Marist, commissioned by the Knights of Columbus, found that nearly three-quarters of Americans would allow abortion only in the first trimester or in the so-called hard cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother, if they would permit abortion at all. A mere 17 percent of respondents told Marist abortion should be legal at any time in pregnancy for any reason, and less than a third of Democrats agreed. This is an issue that simply is not contemplated by the Constitution. If you want it to be, pass an amendment.
  7. No. That's an equal protection issue. Just like Obergefell. I agreed with Ginsburg's analysis on that. And interracial marriage, seriously? I guess I missed the big recent debates over Loving v. Virginia.
  8. National defense is an express function of the federal government. Regulating abortion is not. Should have always been left up to the states.
  9. This ruling is the exact opposite of legislating from the bench. Taking judicial power and giving to legislature(s)
  10. I do not believe they said that. My recollection is that they said Roe and Casey were precedent. Saying something is precedent is a factual statement; literally any Supreme Court opinion that hasn't been overturned is "precedent." If one of them had said "I will not vote to overrule Roe v. Wade (which no one would ever have said during a confirmation hearing)," then they would have lied. They all stated that Roe and Casey were precedents of the Court worthy of respect. The draft opinion spends a long time analyzing how much respect and the competing interests in whether or not to overturn them. They did their duty and exactly what they said, and there is literally zero argument otherwise.
  11. That's why when all the states signed on, they also agreed to a process for amending the document.
  12. And never was intended to.
  13. I have supported gays' Constitutional right to marry for about 20 years. Long before Obama did.
  14. I'll bet you any amount of cash you want to bet Obergefell is not overturned in the next 5 years.
  15. What they may want is not relevant. It takes 5.
  16. I bet the majority polled have no idea what that even means. Many probably think it means abortions would be illegal everywhere. You have to poll specifics.
  17. For all the slippery slope talk. That this will be used to attack contraception, gay marriage, gay sex, just read page 5 of the draft. "Roe's defenders characterize the abortion right as similar to the rights recognized in the past decisions involving matters such as intimate sexual relations, contraception, and marriage, but abortion is fundamentally different, as both Roe and Casey acknowledged..."
  18. It's been pretty flat for 25 years.
  19. My understanding is that is the holding.
  20. That would be unpopular.
  21. I don't think upholding a ban at 15 weeks is going to be unpopular. Most Americans agree with that. And that puts us right in line with the rest of the developed world. 37 of the 40 European countries have laws that are this restrictive or more. I never thought the framers or the drafters of the 14th amendment ever in their wildest dream thought the Constitution prohibited states regulating abortions.
  22. Nuremberg: ''They stand before the record of this trial as bloodstained Gloucester stood by the body of his slain king. He begged the widow, as they beg of you, 'Say I slew them not.' And the queen replied: 'Then say they are not slain. But dead they are.' ''
  23. Love it when Carmela gets her comeuppance. Like when she sees Angie B bought her own Corvette. Or when Hunter tells her she made it into medical school.
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