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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. I don’t see how that would have anything to do with the explosion of admin positions that add no value.
  2. Accounting and finance. Graduated summa cum laude due to privilege. Just like privilege let me graduate top ten percent at Texas law. I can’t imagine suggesting a non trust fund kid to major in some bullshit humanities or grievance studies degree. Seems really, really stupid. And other lib arts degrees that might lead to something — you better be careful and have a plan. Unless you have family support.
  3. They would have to study something valuable. How unfortunate.
  4. Yes. That’s it. Cloak Room is famous for its self-aware critical thinkers.
  5. Trying to school you guys with common sense is an uphill battle.
  6. Maybe have one school in each state that offers those degrees. There is zero reason for every school to offer them. It would be so easy to cut costs.
  7. And if you want to make colleges more affordable like they were back in the day. Make colleges more like they were back then. No 100 people doing no work jobs in the diversity department. Cut admin positions back to what they used to be — a fraction of what it is now. Facilities and dorms won’t be nearly as nice. I don’t think the academic elites will be on board though.
  8. It’s almost like you think I care about what you post and want to agree with you. I don’t.
  9. Way too many people study that stuff. It’s a waste of money. Unless you have means and don’t need money. There shouldn’t be loans for passion project degrees.
  10. They need to be funded by the only people who should get them. Those who can pay for it out of pocket.
  11. Any of the myriad that is ______ Studies. Sociology. Philosophy. Psychology. Many other non STEM degrees.
  12. Good thing the adults are back in charge.
  13. Wish they would have kept him around a little longer. He was awesome.
  14. A trade, if my son wanted to, would be more than fine with me. College is largely worthless unless you need it for a professional degree.
  15. Walmart is hiring new truck drivers at a starting salary over $100k. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/walmart-truckers-starting-salary There are plenty of jobs out there for people without degrees. I have a friend who makes a couple million a year building luxury auto dealerships. He failed out of Texas Tech and does not have wealthy parents. There is no better place for opportunity than the land of the free and the home of the brave.
  16. Close. I have inherited very little and do not have a trust. I inherited some O&G properties when my dad died when I was in high school. His brother was nice enough to steal 95% of it.
  17. Fine with me. Too many people go to college. Should be on a going forward basis though.
  18. Won’t be near as many loans made if you can discharge them.
  19. No. The top 20 percent are the only ones who pay anything net of government transfers. It’s a nice lie democrats convince otherwise.
  20. It’s predatory to enter a contract for a low interest loan and expect the other side to adhere to the terms.
  21. You got a link for that? Because to me it seems like people who made good choices on school and degree selection aren’t the ones needing loan charity. But maybe it really is the in state STEM degree types needing welfare.
  22. Or instead keep doing what they do while white liberals who ran up $300k in debt “earning” their 16th century Belgian transgender dance theory degrees so they can pour coffee or have some DEI bullshit career teaching and tweeting about grievances Or any degree styled ______ Studies.
  23. Nope. Her real estate and money will go to her foundation. I make my own money. It isn’t that hard. Only losers think it is.
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