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Burnt Ends
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ChiTownDoc last won the day on November 4 2020

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  1. It would be great, but not as great as if Hilary came out to lead the chant. Fuck. This is all like a fever dream…
  2. Kamala’s team needs to produce nothing. He’s the gift that keeps giving. Like herpes but infinitely worse… They should troll him and offer to pay for one of his rallies. It won’t land one more vote for him but it will confuse and embarrass his ignorant ass.
  3. He’s so damn good. Not to get ahead of myself but I really hope we get President Pete at some point. 2032 works. I’m a patient man.
  4. These Trump supporters that come on CNN just get blasted. Pure comedy as they try to defend the indefensible. Talk about being gluttons for punishment…
  5. Man, so much world changing news, yet a huge chunk of this board isn’t posting on it at all. I’m sure it’s not because they’re ashamed to be backing a bunch of racists. It’s mainly because they’re above politics. Rightttttt
  6. It's the old every accusation is a confession thing - again. It's fucking great. You see orange fuckface screaming over there? Yeah, he's TOTALLY fine, a stable genius, if you will...
  7. LOL, I'm sure they'll listen. And they definitely told Trump too, right?
  8. Can we organize a White Men for Trump call and record it?
  9. We know he watches TV all day. All the Kamala love already has him even more freaked out than usual. It’s a beautiful thing.
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