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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. I don't keep track of usernames and posters typically (though I do know this is your message board). How are you an Aggie alum and grad but a Texas fan?
  2. I like how they do the fish in the cast iron skillet. I do the same.
  3. Agreed. Shocking that so many attorneys support racial and gender discrimination in employment. It’s illegal and unethical.
  4. You must have an awesome career and life.
  5. I’m a partner at my firm. And I guarantee I’ve made more money in my career than you have.
  6. You should also oppose discrimination. It’s evil. It used to be socially acceptable by some segment of society to discriminate against Blacks. It is now socially acceptable by some segment to discriminate against Whites. In both cases, it was/is Democrats.
  7. Agreed. He won’t have standing either.
  8. Maybe it paid more? People change jobs for all sorts of reasons. There are also civil rights issues since A&M is a state actor.
  9. You sound like you already have all the facts and can judge the outcome. Impressive. I'd wait and see.
  10. I have handled a 100s employment discrimination matters. These are some of the best I have ever seen as there is often direct evidence of discrimination. You may not like them, but the ones I have seen -- I have no idea about this case -- are strong.
  11. He will have his day in Court. And Judge Charles Eskridge, the Fifth Circuit, and the SCOTUS will ensure he is treated fairly as the plaintiff.
  12. I admit it, I hate racial and gender discrimination.
  13. You know that's how a lot of civil rights litigation is brought, right?
  14. That's what these lawsuits are trying to remedy. Good thing Congress had the wisdom to prohibit employment discrimination. The color of your skin or gender should not be a factor in employment decisions, according to the rule of law.
  15. No idea. But first of all, I would not go by doctoral students. I would go by graduates who earned their doctorates. You do that alone, and the racial numbers change significantly. Blacks earning doctorates has increased recently, but it is still around 7% of newly issued doctorates. Factor in faculty is not just made up of new doctorates but a lot of older professors from decades when Blacks were not earning degrees at a lower rate, and that is where you want to start. No idea. But first of all, I would not go by doctoral students. I would go by graduates who earned their doctorates. You do that alone, and the racial numbers change significantly. Blacks earning doctorates has increased recently, but it is still around 7% of newly issued doctorates. Factor in faculty is not just made up of new doctorates but a lot of older professors from decades when Blacks were not earning degrees at a lower rate, and that is where you want to start.
  16. You people are so blind and stupid.
  17. Pretty simple cases. And those cockroaches do not want the light shined on them. I have already seen internal emails from multiple firms.
  18. Around 12 percent of doctoral students are in academia.
  19. Doctoral students. That isn't the applicant pool for professorships, is it? Only a small percentage of of phd candidates become professors.
  20. Racial breakdown of the general population is irrelevant, you look at the qualified applicant pool.
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