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Posts posted by fellside

  1. 39 minutes ago, Machinator said:


    Kinda funny how they're playing up the retro aspect, but those uniforms are more in line with what every top 8 school is wearing right now (Bama, Clemson, Notre Dame, LSU, Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Georgia) than the trash modern shit they've been wearing since Dez left.

    Wear those every week.  It looks good.

  2. 1 hour ago, Bruh Man said:

    Are these all of the character risks in this class? 

    Marcel Brooks
    Tamauzia Brown
    Jeffrey Carter

    Rumor was that Carter transferred from Aledo to Legacy because he got evicted due to repeated incidents.

     I hope the best for Brooks, and would love to see someone who came from that neighborhood make it, but there are serious concerns.

  3. Trying to figure out what would be worse:  The Big 12 losing a chance at the playoffs because the only team with a shot loses the CCG or the CCG featuring two teams with multiple losses and no chance at the playoffs.

    This conference doesn't make much sense to me, but it's starting to feel like a lot of upsets will happen just based on match ups.

  4. It's weird to be in a position where we actually have an interest in rooting for certain teams in the conference to look good, but I can't help but think TCU losing this game is bad.  I just had this impression that they would win 9 games this year and be a quality win.  Don't have the same confidence that Tech can fill that role.

    Still... nice to see Patterson lose.

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