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Everything posted by hornfan785

  1. Got 4 in the front row of 212. Definitely not paying the floor pricing this time, and not having anyone in front of us on the top level was a better prospect than multiple rows back in the 100s sections.
  2. His new show The Curse is coming next month. No idea what to expect, but looking forward to it!
  3. Alright, who leaked our secret to the Texas Rangers?
  4. More shows added. Austin on Jan 31st. Tickets on sale this Friday.
  5. Screw it, I've seen enough. We're not losing a single game this season. GSG!
  6. No idea how this season will go, but should be entertaining! The Wemby hype got to me and I bought the half-season ticket package, so I'll be traveling down to San Antonio a lot more often! Go Spurs Go!
  7. Man, I miss those D1 raids and Iron Banner matches with y'all. Good times.
  8. I'm in South Austin. Circle C area. Cool, that's what I was thinking but it's good to get confirmation about that. The cymbals are of varying quality, but nothing super high end.
  9. Where do y'all usually go to buy and sell drums and cymbals? I have an 8-piece TAMA Rockstar set, along with 17 cymbals, that I don't really get to play much anymore, and I'm considering selling it and replacing it with a small electronic set. I have no idea where to go to list it for sale, and while posting it online and trying to sell it nationally would get a lot more potential buyers, I have no idea how I would pack this thing up and ship it or how much that would even cost. Any advice? Have y'all bought or sold used kits out of state, or do you just keep it local?
  10. Latest Ring of the Rowel episode covering the 2014 season and finals.
  11. Yeah, I don't get it. Seems stupid. So you win the in season tournament, are you gonna hang a banner in your arena for that? Seems lame.
  12. I don't know if I've ever watched a summer league game before. GSG!
  13. Yeah, apparently she's been speaking with a British accent for a while now? https://hellogiggles.com/britney-spears-foreign-accent-syndrome/
  14. I've definitely been considering that. She has a clear mind and is healthy now, but who knows how fast that can change. I thought she was set on East of Austin or West of Houston, but then she mentioned that she googled Kyle yesterday. I know a lot more about Buda and Kyle, and that would be a lot easier for me to get to since I live basically in the Southern most part of Austin already. Thanks for all the recommendations. I don't think she's in a rush to move, but just looking at options at this point, so this helps.
  15. She's a homebody, but still in good health and independent. She still goes on a couple mile walks with the dogs in the morning and evening. She likes to sew and other crafty stuff, so trips to Hobby Lobby or the fabric store are a normal occurrence. I think she doesn't want to move into Austin proper because of the increased home prices and it feeling like too big of a city for her. The suburbs of Houston might be a better option in that sense. I'll have to talk to her more to get a sense of her reasoning of not wanting to live in Austin or Houston proper. I plan on taking her out to Bastrop and just looking around so she can get a sense of the place and see what she thinks. As for pics, just imagine a stereotypical short Hispanic woman.
  16. My mom (70 yo) is wanting to move away from Schertz where she lived with my dad before he passed away a couple of years ago. She'd prefer to either live within 30 minutes of Austin, where I live, or 30 minutes of Houston, where her sisters live. Just taking a quick glance, if she chose to live closer to Austin, the best options to look into seem to be Bastrop or Smithville. Is that accurate? I know both of those are more than a 30 minute drive, but still about an hour or less. If she chose to live closer to Houston, what are some cities or towns that y'all would recommend? Her only real requirements are it be a house with a fenced backyard for her two dogs, and she doesn't want to live in too small of a town where she has to drive another 20 minutes or something to go to an HEB or a Walmart. Any thoughts or advice?
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