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General Specific

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by General Specific

  1. Well, if you need to live vicariously, that's cool. 
    This morning we are getting new carpet upstairs so she is - thankfully and generously - taking it upon herself to clean out all of the closets and under all the furniture. Not a job I would want to do and I appreciate her hard work at it. She asked me to take out the trash that is accumulating and I'm happy to do it. 
    All that being said, I am reminded that her idea of gathering trash is the "magic trash can" theory of small wastebaskets (MTCTSW), that so long as she creates a pile on top of or next to the trash can, her work is done and it will all just magically transport itself to the curb now that it's close to the wastebasket.
    No, she can't be bothered to just get a bag first and put it all into a bag from the beginning... Or empty the wastebasket when its full to the top. So whoever is "taking out the trash" - whether it's me or the weekly cleaning lady - has to gather it all up again a second time and actually put it into the bag to go outside.
    Don't you understand, the hard part was carrying it across the room and dropping it on top of the already full wastebasket? I don't see you helping pick up trash. 
    Corollary #1 of the MTCTSW is that once all the loose trash piled around and on top of it is removed, the actual wastebasket itself is jammed full and compacted with old dry-cleaning bags and tissues and daily contact lens containers and Q-Tips. So it's not just going to poor easily into a trash bag. No, you have to stick your hand up in there and empty it all out. 
    There is another theorem that I'm working one based on the MTCTSW, and that one has to do with dumping dozens of magazines all at once into the kitchen trash can, so many at once that the weight of the trash can is 2-3 times its usual weight and when you pull on the liner to take it outside - because you don't know it's crammed full of magazines - the liner tears on the sharp corners and you have an even bigger mess than if she had just taken them outside to begin with or even just stacked them on the floor next to the can. 
    Why are you mad at her? She actually was doing all the work of gathering up the trash and all she asked you to do is take it outside. She's sorry that's too big a job for you. Next time she just won't bother shopping for new carpet and we can all live in filth until the house burns down. 

    She must be hot and the bestest at all the right things (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Otherwise I will have to admit, Id be up on murder charges...
  2. I don't normally weigh in here cause this is a male place, but here is a random tidbit of info on the pillow war: remove all the pillows save two and hide the rest in an undisclosed location. Each pillow is returned via sexy time...
    Very win win.

    Now this gentleman, is how you troll.

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  3. Our bodies were not developed eating grains, Humans evolved as hunter/gatherers not farmers.  That's why you shit yourself when you eat grains.

    Is this a pick-em? If I scratch vegetables on the top, can choose alcohol on the bottom, you know, like algebra? What you do to one side, balance, yin&yang?

    Asking for a friend...
  4. I hate to say it - but you guys deserve the loss after you cut the air condition in the LSU locker room. That is a low class move and should be met with (NCAA) punishment (I say this as someone who can't stand LSU - an Alabana fan). 
    The LSU players were extremely dehydrated in the 2nd half, why? Because they had an extra 20 minutes of sweating in the locker room. They couldn't replenish. Denying this obvious factor is childish in my opinion. It was a great game, the Horns played hard and almost pulled off the unthinkable.
    But with that said, it was very clear that the LSU players were suffering, and the AC issue could be why. 

    Let’s not let facts get in the way your trolling. Good luck.
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