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General Specific

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by General Specific

  1. My dog found and ate some article of clothing that looks like panties or a swimsuit bottom yesterday.  Dog then threw it up in my daughter's (no pics, she's 6 years old you pervs) room.  They were a size 7, my daughter wears a size 7.  My wife is convinced that I was cheating on her yesterday and now is not talking to me.  The peace and quiet is nice.

    You have peace and quiet? Here dog, come here pooch, come on boy, I have a treat for you...
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    Take the loss this bad?

    Again, because reading is hard:

    No one thinks that fake cramps affected the score or result of the game. These are not the same issue.

    We lost because we got beat on the field.

    While playing the game, LSU pulled some cheap ass shit that didn’t help them win at all, BUT was still cheap ass shit.

    Is this really that hard to grasp?

    Take the win PUSSY!!!!!
  3. Crap back in the day playing high school ball, no A/C , a weak stream of warm water from the fountain and more often or not the toilets all had upper deckers left in them before we got there. We somehow still managed. 

    +1 for upper deckers.

    Playing both ways. And don’t forget the salt tablets! A/C, you got that in your car on the way home after leaving the field house....

    Kids these days...
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  4. Tried to cheat by cutting the A/C and still ended up losing AND crying in the stands. I love how UT fans think their team wasn't affected by the heat even though they saw first hand how Keontay Ingram's hands were too sweaty to catch a 5 yard pass #STTDB

    pilot to bombardier, pilot to bombardier, open bomb bay doors, over!

    Neg incoming you twat waffle!
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  5. For me, it’s Banana spiders. When I was a kid, I would stay at my great grandparents for the summer. My great grandfather and I would sleep in between the rows of corn (I with my 22 Marlin, he with something real) near the cantaloupe, watermelon and other luscious divine garden goods. We would wait for varmints and take-em out. Anyhow, on more than one occasion, I was bitten by Banana spiders, they will always keep me out.

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