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Spaceman Spiff

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Posts posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. On the bright side, remember all the handwringing last season about the fact that the Astros couldn’t win at home even though we dominated on the road? Well thanks to the sweep in Chicago, we are officially better at home than away!

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  2. 2 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    This isn't a very fun internet answer, but I think trying to narrow it down to a top 5 is a fool's errand in the new era of college football and temporarily influenced by recent results.  I think there are legitimately 15 or so schools that can be considered in the top tier and capable of going on a run, and coaching determines who rises to the top and who flounders.


    1) Need to be in the new SEC or B1G

    2) Need to have access to fertile recruiting base

    3) Need to have robust alumni base willing to spend money

    4) Helps (but not necessary) to have a history of winning 

    5) Not aggy   

    So, Nebraska?

    They are in the B1G.

    Their recruiting base is fertile farmland.

    Their fans are quite robust.

    They had a history of winning at one point.

    And they are not aggy.

  3. 31 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    I expect the transfer portal to bite hard but then again it bit us hard last season when we kept Jimbo.

    But I was told none of the portal departures last off-season were major losses.

    31 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    During his tenure here I think we can say he identified and hired one truly good coordinator in Mike Elko.

    But I was told Petrino was a heist and he and Jimbo were creating a revolutionary offense.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Dutchrudder said:

    I find it interesting that Cleveland is interviewing Craig Counsell, I didn't know he would be an option, but I think he would be an excellent hire for the Astros. He's a smart guy, runs the team with a more modern analytics type approach, and has had success with one of the cheapest clubs in the MLB. He could probably do a lot more with a team willing to spend. He also hit that game 7 walkoff single as a rookie in 1997 against Cleveland, so fuck him for that... but he would make a good option over a lot of the other names thrown out. Vogt has been interviewed twice by Cleveland, but hasn't been offered the job, so it appears he's on ice while they continue interviews.

    Counsell's former boss David Stearns left Milwaukee for the Mets this offseason, so there is speculation he may wind up there, but he hasn't interviewed with the Mets yet (despite them getting clearance to do so). Stearns was also considered for the Astro's POBO position, which hopefully tells us a bit about what direction the plan to go with management in the near future. 

    I haven't seen any confirmed interviews for Joe Espada yet. I know several teams have been suggested as being interested in him, but no confirmations yet. Anyone see any news on him?


    Also, Craig Counsell as manager with Bagwell as hitting coach would give us the best batting stance managerial staff ever.

  5. 11 hours ago, uoftorange said:

     Sincere question:  Didn't the Rangers ALSO win the division?  I mean it's a tie.  So I'm assuming they are raising a banner for it next year, right?

    And I don't really care how anyone chooses to celebrate.  Hope they had a great time.  Glad they lost the next day.  

    The Cardinals did this in 2001. It was lame then and it is lame now. 


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