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Everything posted by APMP

  1. APMP

    Austin FC

    Decent chance it was me if Austin Villa was mentioned on Shaggy. Named after Professor Stone's Robocup team in the UTCS department. https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~AustinVilla/
  2. Been a while since we had a cheating scandal in cricket. It even made deadspin. And of course it was Australia. https://deadspin.com/why-crickets-ball-tampering-scandal-is-such-a-big-deal-1824154548 One year bans for Smith and Warner, 9 months for the knucklehead who tried to hide the sandpaper in his pants after being caught scuffing the ball. Smith is going enough and good enough to come back from this, but I'm thinking he'll never be captain again. I expect that India will pull away in terms of being the dominant team over the next year, with South Africa comfortably in second.
  3. Can't sleep. Here's to the last out of the season being a wimpy 4-3 groundout to Altuve. Back2Back or bust. #NeverSettle
  4. /We'llBeLuckyToLiveThroughIt.gif
  5. Crap just saw this thread. Somebody please post the audio recording when it's up.
  6. Final season starts this Wednesday, March 28th. We know that the U.S. is gonna win the cold war, and the Soviet Union is gonna fail and splinter. Let's see how we get there. Philip, Elizabeth, Paige. Will all three survive? Will Stan finally figure it out? Will Henry get into M.I.T? Will Oleg and Martha hook up and send us a postcard From Russia with Love?
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