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Posts posted by D_Goose

  1. I might be alright with Tom giving us the tired old "winning is hard" line if we just eeked out a win against WVU or OKST or somebody, but not Tulsa. Not acceptable. They have a half-way decent kicker and a receiver that can catch in the end zone, and we fucking lose.

  2. This shit from Boyd on the final Ehlinger INT:

    "I'm sure that play will be the focal point of a dozen horrible conversations this week. It's worth noting that Ehlinger was pressured, throwing to his favorite target who happens to be 6-5, and it was third and 10 so there was more than a little pressure to make something happen. The execution was bad, the punishment was an L in the standings. If not for last season, and the last decade really, it would have been an unfortunate ending and a relatively minor stain on Ehlinger's record. Instead, it'll be a talking point for the coming week if not the full season. Joy."

    Dude needs to get the fuck out with that shit. The fourth fucking time in what, 8 or 9 career collegiate starts this QB ends a game on an inexplicably idiotic and inexcusable mistake and Boyd's like, "but, but, minor blip, but, but, favorite receiver, but, but [cock gobble slurps cock gobble slurps] under pressure [slurp slurp].

  3. 3 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    We need to leverage his legs as much as possible because he’s just inaccurate and prone to poor decision making. Yesterday’s game plan did not fit his skill set at all. 

    Inaccuarate, poor decision making but runs well? Sounds kinda like someone else on our team who's now a WR.

  4. Herman and Co. have always preferred Sam's personality over Shane's. I think that's basically what their competition has always come down to. How many times has Herman complained about how Shane "wasn't vocal enough"? Truth is he has never really had a fair shake as long as Mensa has been here. As has been pointed out, Shane had pure dumpster fire level OL/RB play, plus Dim Beck calling square peg in a round hole plays.

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