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  1. Daemon’s Harrenhal scenes remind me of those Sopranos episodes when Tony’s in a coma and having all those trippy Freudian dreams. Don’t remember exactly but I think those episodes might’ve been pretty divisive among fans at the time too.
  2. Reuters and AP still have news up that the shooter donated the money as of 3:26 CST, fwiw.
  3. His laptop crashed while doing the primary recording. I’m not an AV nerd but think he said he’d preconfigured some equipment for backup and someone unknowingly fucked that up while he was out.
  4. Dan and Jake’s college football segments in general are usually pretty painful to listen to. I’m glad they rarely devote time to it.
  5. If it’s now the rule that schools close for this type of situation, why not close them when it’s incredibly rainy too? Can be just as dangerous, if not more, than it will be tomorrow.
  6. Related to Waco, Ruby Ridge, et al, Roy mentioned Ammon and LaVoy during his call-to-arms scene: Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge - Wikipedia
  7. Just chiming in to say the Jimmy presentation was awesome. For that minute he was in front of his players, he was their fucking coach again. It looked like he relished the fuck out of that.
  8. They were 7-5 in 2014 under Franchione but didn’t get invited to a bowl.
  9. There are also what seems like 4-5 live read ads per YT episode, plus static ad banners.
  10. At D’ville - Westfield game. Colin Simmons strip sack in the end zone, Alex January recovery for TD. Hook ‘em.
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