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Posts posted by D_Goose

  1. On 9/13/2019 at 7:58 AM, jimmyjazz said:

    Yeah, I went once to grab a couple of slices and the experience in general was pretty bad.  The pizza wasn't that good, the place was a dump, and the general vibe of the employees screamed "got fired from Thundercloud for lack of hygiene".  

    A few months ago I was in the Sunrise Mini Mart next door when a dude walked in who smelled like he had been over at Enchiladas y Mas rolling in piles of three-week-old raw onion enchiladas. The guy bought a sixer of tall boys and walked out and I was grateful I could finally exhale again. Anyway, I walk out and over to Eastside and who is behind the counter sweating puddles into my pie but Taco Bell Enchirito boy himself.

  2. On 8/18/2019 at 6:58 PM, crimsonlonghorn said:

    If Gilbert is “bitter” towards Texas then I have to re-evaluate the ambivalence I have towards him. What the hell is he bitter about?

    I'd never encourage lingering butt-hurtedness but I do think it's understandable if you can imagine being a 19 year-old amateur athlete and you experience basically one hundred thousand fans booing you personally. I know my 19 yr old snowflake ass wouldn't have responded well to that.


  3. 9 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Does anyone know how to properly reconcile keto with sports?   

    I bike and play soccer.  I bonk at around 35-45 mins when cycling.  This morning I had a soccer scrimmage and really started struggling energy-wise after about 30 mins.  Additionally, I've come straight home and passed out after each workout.  No pain or anything; just complete and utter exhaustion.


    From what I gather, you have to make it to the 1-2 month mark and be fully fat-adapted in order to function normally (or better) while doing endurance activities. There seems to be a lot about this in the keto subreddits and I think Mark Sisson, Peter Attia, et al have touched upon this topic too, especially Attia.

    • Like 1
  4. Went to Turntable once after a Horns game and when the Homeslice wait was about an hour. We were able to get food fairly quickly and I remember it being alright but definitely liked House Pizzeria more. I miss that place.

  5. For those that haven't kept up with this thread or want to read all the way through, here's a summation thus far:

    Pages 1-3:

    "Sam sucks horse dick. Cam should starts"


    "Check out those retardos on the first three pages"


    "Sam Ehlinger. Better than VY?"


    "Look at those fucktards on the first three pages"

    • Like 5
    • Haha 3
  6. On 7/2/2019 at 3:12 PM, BBQ2Bayou said:

    I have no idea what Turkish food is, but I'll try it. Their webite has been flagged by anti-terrorist groups, it seems. 

    Can you give a little background on this? I just did a really basic Google search and didn't get anything.

  7. 3 hours ago, futureman said:


    on the ticket today I think Bob or Norm or Donny, can’t remember which one, said in the giannis draft that donnie wanted to take him but cuban overruled so we could trade down and free up an extra $500k to offer dwight howard.  did that really happen?

    Nah, what happened was David Stern knew Mark had been getting way in over his head in gambling and with some possibly shady type guys too if you know what I mean. Anyways, so Stern intended on suspending him but instead Mark was like, fuck it, I'm going to go play baseball for a year.

  8. 51 minutes ago, fellside said:

    I remember hearing that we are among the list of teams getting a meeting with Kawhi and it seems like that Longshot is making the Mavs think they should hold off on any moves.  Which sounds a lot like Deron Williams and Dwight Howard all over again.  With even less promise.

    Where you hear that from?

    It's the Lakers, Clippers and Raptors. Previously there were some stories that threw the Knicks out there. From what I can tell, our main concern regarding Kawhi right now is his connection to Danny Green.

  9. 50 minutes ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

    One of these days maybe our front office will learn to quit with the pipe dream of pinning all our hopes on big time free agent acquisitions. Trading for talent, which admittedly they’ve been good at, and drafting is our only mode for success. The best way to trade for talent is to draft talent. 

    I might've missed something, I'll admit I haven't been following all of the rumors and chatter, but what big fish have they been seriously selling out for this year? I think when Donnie or Mark have been asked about Durant et al, they answer truthfully that they'd gladly welcome them but no where have I seen that they're going all out or hedging everything on them like in recent years. Seems to me like they have been pretty realistic about their chances with those kind of names this time around.

  10. What's the current status of these embeds? I had one removed a week ago for an unknown reason (to me) but I see tons of them elsewhere every time I've gotten on since. Are they being removed ad hoc when someone specifically complains about it?

  11. Last night Jake quote tweeted an old video montage of Michael Jordan taking a series of hard fouls throughout the years,  then claimed 80's-90's NBA players would get wrecked by current NBA players and that not only would LeBron injure those guys but John Collins would "grave" them.

    Pretty clear the dude didn't watch any basketball prior to 2009. Either that or is just hell-bent on proving his cool street cred with the youths by trolling all those out of touch olds.

  12. One of my favorite classes as well. Took it in '07 I think. Enjoyed the laid-back nature of the class. I remember him being an encyclopedia of info on all those old notable Texan writers and it seemed like just twentieth century Texas culture in general. First person I ever heard about Cormac McCarthy from. Fascinating guy.

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