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Posts posted by D_Goose

  1. 19 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    I love you Dilbert guy 


    Sums up a large fraction of supporters, really:

    "I know he's a contemptible, awful human being, but a group of people I really don't like can't stand him, therefore I support him."

  2. And Tillman is either a self-righteous douche, an idiot, or a petty troll with all of "Ehling-JER" mis-pronunciations. It's absolutely inexcusable for a professional broadcaster - who should have name pronunciation guides with them for the broadcasts - to mispronounce a starting QB as well known and of Sam's profile that many times. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. 59 minutes ago, BurntOrangeCrush said:

    Did y'all know that Sam tends to overthrow because he gets too excited? I didn't.

    That motherfucker repeated something along these lines at least three times meanwhile they couldn't get off of Bowman and his three interception throwing dick about how awesome he was. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. Prepare yourself for an only plays the hits setlist after the game, fellas. You may recognize all of the greats, such as:

    -"Really tough to win in the big 12"

    -"I'm really proud of our guys!"

    -"The opponent was really good!"

    And who could forget:

    -"We did a lot of good things today"

    -"We've got a lot of things to be proud of"

    And maybe the greatest of them all:

    -"Winning is really hard!"

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. For comparison, this was the top 10 from the 2003 list:

    10. Beatles - White Album

    9. Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde

    8. The Clash - London Calling

    7. The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street

    6. Marvin Gaye - What's Going On

    5. The Beatles - Rubber Soul

    4. Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited

    3. The Beatles - Revolver

    2. The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

    1.  The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers

  6. Great uncle was a POW who survived the Bataan Death March. My grandmother told us about how when he finally made it back to Texas the whole family prepared a huge elaborate meal to celebrate his safe return. My great uncle had become so emaciated he could barely eat a bite, his stomach had shrunken so much from prolonged starvation.

    The cruelty and hardship those soldiers endured is really unimaginable to me- by any comparison I've lived such a safe and easy life.  


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  7. On 7/5/2020 at 11:36 AM, Lobo said:

    Then again, one of the Top 10 performing franchises of Chili's is their location on 45th Street in Austin. 

    College roommate used to go to that Chili's all the time with his home town buddies. They were suburban Houston folks that weren't interested in exploring outside of campus area too far. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    So Jake knows a lot about some sports and he’s a dumbass when it comes to just about everything else.  Cool, so we agree...what’s your point?

    You just don't like the cut of his jib, that's fine. Characterizing the guy as some kind of slacker bum? Not accurate. 

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  9. On 7/2/2020 at 10:37 AM, Landomatic said:


    Not the point.  Jake knows a lot about some sports.  He's also very young and immature and knows very little about much else and paired with Corby for prime time would have been a fucking disaster.

    I catch midday a few times a week for about 30-45 minutes at a time. I've already heard Jake get pissed off with Blake and Dan several times for them being either unprepared on something or other or not being on point with a segment.

    As far as wanting a tier 1 host to know a lot about all sports, can anyone check that box except for maybe Bob? 1993 Norm?

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  10. Fair Bean (RIP) had the best cold brew in town that I have tasted. Summermoon second. Have not had Tiny House's. I can say Sorrento's cold brew might be the worst I've had in town.  

    As far as espresso, I don't get it much at all, but I'd probably say Café Medici or Once Over are safe bets.

  11. 17 hours ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Flags are stupid and giving a shit about them is equally stupid. That’s all. 

    Username does not check out.

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