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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Nicole44

  1. 3 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Isn't the point that grown men in jersey's don't look decent, but ridiculous?  Also, jerseys are always too big and don't fit, unless they're tailored, which is even more ridiculous.  I'm not following "wear what you want" followed by "as long as it fits and looks decent."  You kind of contradict yourself there.  If you really believe "wear what you want," you can't really qualify it.  I'm pretty open to people wearing what they want, but I draw a few lines, and grown ass men in jerseys is one of them.  

    I assume you have never worn a t-shirt for the band you went to see. 

  2. Who started this shit? Wear what you want to the game for fucks sake? As long as it fits (and by that it means not two sizes too small-unless you are a stripper) and looks decent who cares? I can see why in NFL games. But I remember when the Big 12 told the Purple Wizard (not the greatest coach in our life but certainly one of the coolest) to stop wearing his Windbreaker jackets that didn’t have current teams playing on them. I get that to a certain extent but what if those jackets were his mojo? Maybe guys should rethink skinny jeans.

  3. 2 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    "play hard"

    "winning is hard"


    nervous awkward laughs

    getting pissy and defensive



    Plus a history lesson of the state of Longhorn football when he took over. 

    Ambrosia, serendipitous, factual and forward. Other words because why the fuck not.

  4. Words Mensa might say during presser:

    Vision - he has it!

    Improvement- no the buck stops here. We've shown improvement

    Qualify/ quantify- 

    Placate- he's not going to placate his critics,

    equalizer -as in rain delay\ wet field

    That's just what I think. He will either double down or concede that he was out coached by an OC that never coached a game from the field before.


  5. 10 minutes ago, Fire Jack Chevigny said:

    This is probably a good time to remind everyone that when the powers that be decided to fire Strong, they did no actual coaching search. They didn’t interview another sole. They just handed the job to the name that happened to be hot at the moment.

    Because he beat OU...they forgot the whole losing to SMU part bc they thought he was so focused on getting to Texas as HC that losing to SMU just happens. For the record, row the boat guy and Frost were also looking to move on. The difference is they didn’t abandon their team mid-season. Or the powers that be here at Texas convinced themselves like many  other hapless people that the reason SMU won was bc Herman was laser focused on leaving. Perhaps he’s just a fraud?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    We are their cupcake game.  We are the FAMU tune up game one for those teams. 

    We’ve been relegated to the backup act to the backup. Fuck u Tom. It’s like Bill O’Brien saying Tom Savage was better than Watson after watching them all summer. Really? Tom refuses to play Shane simply bc Shane was not his guy. Sam is his guy and I hope Tom dry humps a valcano after tonite 

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