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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by naija

  1. On 9/5/2018 at 3:27 PM, Gladeite said:

    Elephants are a difficult topic in Africa.  Native Africans hate elephants.  They trample and destroy their vital crops, take down fences at will and generally make life difficult for the millions of Africans that live in rural communities.  It worked out pretty well when all the natives had were spears and arrows.  A few elephants would die and the meat would be utilized. The others would be harassed and leave for more peaceful environments.  Now, there are guns and poisons.  It is much easier to kill an elephant now with either a bullet or a bottle of cyanide.   The elephants are also plagued by the poachers.  Unemployment is so high in all of the elephant occupying countries that the opportunity to make a few bucks for a small tusk, skin or horn makes poaching a viable occupation.  That and "bush meat" makes it very hard on the indigenous wildlife.   The native African does not have the concept of conservation in their background nor is it a part of the social structure.  They only understand the concept of living day to day.  

    I have been to Africa many times.  I have hunted in all of the elephant countries.  It is very difficult to understand what is going on over there without experiencing it.  The continent is being assaulted by all sides.  First, the native Africans are ill equipped socially to operate as independent countries in the modern society.  Those that rule, do not do so for the benefit of the people.  Corruption and stealing of national resources is the common theme.   Democracy is a foreign concept to them.  The Chinese and Koreans are very skilled at taking advantage of these countries.  I have been 250 miles from the nearest town and gone to a village where every mud hut has a solar battery charger and every adult has a cell phone.  All given to them by either country for mining rights.  There are fake Chevys, Toyotas, F150's, etc...   They look just like the cars here in the US but are made illegally with the least expensive cast parts.  There are fake Apple stores in most large cities.  You can go in and they look just like Apple products but are Chinese knock offs.  

    It is very sad there and I see no upside for wildlife in the future.  The only positive is that the continent is so large.  About 5 years ago, I was hunting in Zimbabwe when we got word that an extremely large elephant had been killed.  We went to look at it and it was 120 lbs per side.  This was near Hwange National Park and no one had ever seen this elephant before.  It had lived its 50+ year life without coming in contact with someone with a camera or rifle.   There are millions of square miles that have very little hunting/poaching pressure at the present time.  

    so much bullshit.

  2. 4 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:
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    Matisse.  CIA  S.A.D.

    He was in quite a few episodes in the background, and is a regular in season 2   He’s not supposed to be John Clark but he changed his name multiple times, and mentioned he changed his name to Ryan  on every mission, and he sure acts like John Clark   


    this. that's who I got the feeling it was

  3. On 8/31/2018 at 9:45 PM, Lhorn said:

    Thanks for this response.  I can't justify $700 for an F1.2 or even $400 for an F1.4.

    I think I'm gonna get an F 1.8 lens and see what I can do shooting still objects at night with a tripod and slower shutter speed. 

    man those are cheap prices for f/1.2 or f/1.4 lenses

  4. It's quite lukewarm. Problem is in trying for "balance" other shows have done the angles that Jack Ryan wants to play up much better. Hell Homeland is better (when it wants to be) on the CIA and understanding fundamentalism ("this is a serious drama") part. Action set-piece wise, Strike-Back was far more enjoyable..

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