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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by naija

  1. Passive aggressive? Can’t be. White people are racist against blacks as evidenced by the examples in this thread that are mostly sourced from agenda leaning publications/tweets that highlight one aspect of the full story. (Even Jews and light-skinned Latinos are white now) Especially cops, who apparently have no reason to be more on guard when dealing with a black suspect despite being at least 8X more likely to be shot during the encounter. The facts on racial breakdowns of crime are in themselves racist.
    I spoke my mind earlier in the thread. I am apparently part of the racism problem in this country for pointing out the hypocrisy. It doesn’t matter that I agree that blacks have a right to be angry and will fight against a racist incident vehemently. Excusing a white person’s behavior in any way, while suggesting that the race card isn’t applicable in every situation to describe the encounter, is forbidden from my privileged position. The thought that “asshole doesn’t have an exclusive skin tone” doesn’t exist here.

    As usual you are full of shit. Read the first two posts you put on this thread. Fighting against racist incidents vehemently my ass. The OP posted about cops being called because of Black people being in places they presumably should not be. I assure you those aren’t Black neighborhoods. Your first post is some question about being safe in Black neighborhoods. Not to mention you’ve demonstrated repeatedly that your default is to opine about Black criminality even when it has no bearing on several threads you’ll find your way into. It seems an impossible feat for you to just say “gosh, that kid shouldn’t have had to deal with the police for just x, y, z” without some convoluted attempt to explain how crime rates in general should be the personal onus and burden of any and every Black person just standing somewhere. Trying to position yourself as some neutral, logical observer applying reason and deduction is a farcical exercise if ever there was one.
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  2. On 7/4/2018 at 5:42 AM, Spankytoes said:

    I think it’s more amazing that Asians, including Indians, don’t have the same vocal dissent despite representing 8% of the minority population. Especially with cops, who apparently don’t feel a perceived threat in their interactions for some unknown reason.

    One of life’s mysteries I suppose. Perhaps this thread will help solve it.

    It's not a mystery. Neither is your passive-aggressive nonsense. Get a spine and speak your mind.

  3. Yeah, quite possibly the most accomplished group of players among their peers from their youth group to their pro leagues to their international careers, getting paid tons of money, and coming from a country notorious for having pride are going to throw a game for 1 million Euros each.

  4. the optics are really bad though..... the fighting vlads have looked completely incapable of threatening much less scoring in the run of play.  if russia advance the paid-off meme is going to be uncontainable.   spain throwing this game, even at 1m euros for every one, is pocket change for vlad.  and this is fifa.

    One of the dumbest things posted on here
  5. this might be a series that actually benefits from binge watching. I can't even remember how we got from Hale and Co finding out Bernard was a host to him back out in the Park. My guess is those are on different timelines, but damn if it isn't hard keeping all these things straight

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  6. 12 hours ago, heso said:

    A guy got hit in the leg by a lava bomb. It snapped his his leg right above his ankle. He said the only thing holding his foot on was his Achilles’ tendon and some flesh on the back of his leg. Said the doctors had to dig rocks out of his leg before attempting to reattach the foot. 

    sounds like b.s

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