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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by naija

  1. I don't think it was too convenient. That is how intuition works. Little various pieces from disparate corners of your mind just start bumping into each other in your subconscious and forcing you to pay just a bit more attention.

  2. 12 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:
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    May hit harder if they actually kill one of them off for good in the 2nd part of the story instead of the faux deaths all the characters to end this movie enjoyed, no?  





  3. I liked it. Thanos was a phenomenal villain. This is finally the movie where Thor gets to be the bad-ass that he should have been all this time. I know humor is Marvel's thing, but I wonder if it could have been better if they played it mostly straight.



    Personally, though I can understand the reasons why, I thought having both Captain America and IronMan survive was a bit of a letdown. You want to hit it hard, kill one of those two.

    Overhead loudly, someone screaming "this is Bullshit!" as Black Panther wisped away


  4. he was 12 when he moved to Texas. Not being able to sway a kid who spent his teen years here is concerning. he basically had seen all Texas/Austin had to offer and still chose to go somewhere else.

    and there is this quote from him

    "“They were close,” Wilson said of Texas. “I’m not going to lie, the official visit made me think about them a little more. In the end, I’ve watched a lot of people go to Texas with a ton of ability and maybe not achieve what I thought they could. I didn’t want to be one of those guys.”

  5. At best, degrees and where people trained are approximations of whether someone is a good doc or not. I truly feel for the layman that needs an operation and wants to know exactly what the capability of their surgeon is.

  6. He'll bounce back from you and your buddy being so disappointed in this season?   LMAO.  Donald Glover is doing just fine.   We get it...you really really hate this season.  

    That bounce back comment was one of funniest things I’ve read in a while.
  7. 21 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    We're catching up on the show from last season. Got through the Van drug test episode last night. The Montague episode was great. I think Alfred is my favorite character so far. 

    There was a really good article on Atlanta and Donald Glover in the New Yorker a few weeks ago. Seems like a tortured genius. 


    "Van, who speaks German for reasons we never learn,"

    say what? did it need to spelled out?

    "“I don’t even want them laughing if they’re laughing at the caged animal in the zoo,”

    can't be surprised Donald, ask Dave.

  8. On 3/30/2018 at 8:26 PM, Catdaddyhorn said:


    Interesting seeing the different conclusions drawn from people watching the show. Here I am watching the show thinking to myself how trifling that barber was. Little did I know that I was actually watching a behavioral documentary on black people. 

    are you surprised? you knew this was going to happen. same with Chapelle's stuff. 

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