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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. they are #12 despite being undefeated for that reason..
  2. there is like a 1 in 3 chance he will do the right thing.
  3. those of you that thought FOX wanted to pump Bijan because of Bijan are easy marks...
  4. A number of players out for the season. Looks like it might be worse injury wise after this game. Made worse by having at least 3 players on the field that should never be seeing the field on defense. we should have half new starters on both sides next year if everything goes right. going to be hard to do that
  5. lol, what kind of route has the WR running backwards
  6. all our WRs need gym time. can't hold a block for 2 seconds
  7. "non-traditional Heisman winner" guess we are forgetting that automatically picking a player from the top team, or undefeated team is newer Heisman phenomenon and not tradition.
  8. in the age of standard TV, you wouldn't even see our Safeties on the screen prior to the snap. ridiculous
  9. I hate how this team plays with seemingly no urgency. make a mistake, miss an opportunity, just clap and jog off.
  10. lol, I had the same reaction. we have PTSD as a fan base
  11. I honestly don't understand the plan with re: Bijan. He needs to be touching the ball on one of the first 2 downs
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