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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. felt very Battlestar Galactica-ish to me. and not in a good way.
  2. just looked at properties on Zillow. everything over 2,000 sq-ft well over $1M. can't say it's all that surprising, but it does give me a migraine.
  3. late to this but yes very familiar with Milnor. follow his work, mostly because of his experience/thoughts on film. as to Instagram, a lot of what you wrote has been espoused elsewhere. like everything else, it's the people not the medium. some very good work on IG. what I wish was present was a way to create groups or lists, so that you can streamline what you follow/or shows up on your timeline.
  4. Sark on now. Quotes the two crucial 3rd and long conversions. So at least he isn't blind
  5. don't know man. shit's borked. in every possible way. still haven't been able to identify what it is exactly the defense tries to do
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